睿科電子有限公司 信息

類別電子零件 讀卡機 隨身碟 ID設計


睿科電子有限公司目前90%的產品重心是在 USB Flash Drive (隨身碟),專精於 ID 設計,電子零件設計的能力,且擁有自己的 sales channel。 OEM/ODM 佔了80%的比例,20% 是推廣自己的牌子。

總公司(Infotech) 在美國加州,目前分公司有USA NY、Taiwan, HK;即將於歐洲的荷蘭 & 中東的杜拜 設點;我們在此領域已有15年的經驗(in USA),目前積極拓展歐洲, 中東市場.......
1、USB Flash Drive
2、 Flash card
3、Card Reader.
4、 dram

Rayco Electronics Ltd. is one of the major suppliers in USB pen drive market. The company specializes in designing and manufacturing a complete line of USB pen drive and provides the design of product ID concepts, 3D modules and ODM projects for customers worldwide.
Rayco Electronics Ltd. head office/headquarter based in Taiwan is responsible for design

Rayco Electronics technology research and development team, with fresh vision of the future trend, consistently brings creativity and latest technology to consumer USB related products. The products housings with large portfolio of unique designs are compatible with all devices features, such as: U3, encryption drive, windows vista ready boost and high speed USB pen drive.

Rayco Electronics Ltd. is not only dedicated to develop reliable and innovative products in order to meet the market demands and ever-changing technologies, but also to offer products of competitive prices, high performance and smooth after-


