奇郁國際股份有限公司 信息

類別kyvas 奇郁 Taiwan sport xmas


Kyvas has been established since 1992. We act as an exporter and buying agent providing product sourcing, price negotiations, QC/QA and shipping control.

It is our constant aim to add value for our clients and we provide additional services such as product development across a wide range of merchandise. We also offer the facility of our design studio for packaging design and development.

Our Head Office in Taiwan and offices in China provide a local base for clients buying trips. This provides a professional environment with experienced and knowledgeable staff geared to maximizing the effectiveness of our clients visit. Our network also extends into South East Asia where we can provide full sourcing support in Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Phillippines.

Kyvas has built a high service reputation focused on customer needs and we continue to evolve our business to accommodate the fast changing sourcing environment in Asia and the changes in international buying patterns.


