恩瑞眼鏡有限公司 信息

服務時間週一 至 週五 09:00 ~ 18:30,休息時間:12:00 ~ 13:30


創立於1986年,以專精的技術,優質的服務 ,與獨特的三品(品質 品味 品牌)經營理念,迎接市場激烈的競爭。經理黃上修來自時尚之都香港,將眼鏡視同珠寶華服,同具裝飾配件的概念,以全新的思維,讓顧客戴的清晰舒適之外,更兼顧了修飾臉型,提升品味的附加價值。

經理eric Wong具有美國光學技師執照,所帶領的師傅群個個擁有18~25年的豐富經驗,口碑口耳相傳,這亦是恩瑞眼鏡的一大特色。

恩瑞眼鏡與一般眼鏡公司最大的不同點是:店經理每年會飛到歐洲,參與米蘭Mido眼鏡大展 和 巴黎Silmo眼鏡大展,下單訂貨。並與超級品牌的頂尖大師們會晤。因此,提供顧客最IN 最HOT的時尚新框,走在世界眼鏡流行尖端。

我們客戶群,涵蓋知名企業家,企業菁英,政治家,金融家,名醫院長,當紅偶像藝人歌手,名模, 名媛, 頂尖設計師與時尚達人....不勝繁舉。

Eric’s Optical was first started in 1986. We have three principles that we strictly follow in order to reach the satisfaction our customers have. They are "Quality、Brand、and Taste".
Some of our main brands include: alain mikli、Starck、Cartier、ic! berlin、theo、TAG Heuer、Beausoleil、Bellinger、lessthanhuman、 GoldWood 、L.A.eyeworks、martin martin、IYOKO INYAKe、Markus T、 theo、 Vera Wang ,TOM FORD、Mykita、Ferrari、Reiz,and more.

We frequently set up conventions and events to announce and introduce our customers with the newest frame and information about the industry.

We also recall old customers back to shop for exclusive services and deals which is known as the 「Eric’s Optical Lao You(old friend) Day」.

Our shop is decorated seasonally、for to make the shop more lively and give our customers a new different feeling as they walk in our shop every time.

We view the education of our employees’ skills and knowledge very importantly.

Although the economy of Taiwan has been in a down slope for the past few years、we still manage to increase our revenues each year.

We have been an important customer and partner for alain mikli、Cartier、 ic! berlin、Lindberg、Gold Wood etc............

Welcome foreign friends ,We have English service.

