
General 更新 2024年06月12日



  1. The boy pretended ________ asleep when his father came back.

  A. to fall B. to have fallen

  C. falling D. having fallen

  【解析】選B。考查動詞pretend的用法。句意: 他父親回來時, 那個男孩假裝已經入睡。動詞pretend後要接不定式結構, 表示“假裝已經做某事”要用pretend to have done sth. 結構。故答案為B。


  只能接不定式作賓語的動詞還有: afford負擔得起, arrange安排, ask要求, choose選擇, decide決定, demand要求, determine決心, expect期待, 預計, hesitate猶豫, hope希望, long渴望, manage設法, offer主動提出, plan計劃, prepare準備, promise答應, refuse拒絕, want想要, wish希望等。

  2. The airport ________ next year will help promote tourism in this area.

  A. being completed B. having been completed

  C. completed D. to be completed

  【解析】選D。考查非謂語動詞。句意: 明年即將建成的機場將有助於發展該地區的旅遊業。根據next year可知, 機場還沒有建成, 應該用動詞不定式表將來, 並作後置定語, to be completed相當於which is to be completed。

  3. ***2015·衡水模擬***The government must be very ________ about setting policies and make no decision until they are quite sure it is the right one.

  A. particular B. concerned

  C. cautious D. certain

  【解析】選C。考查形容詞辨析。句意: 政府制定政策時必須非常謹慎, 在確信決策正確之前不可做決定。be particular about對……講究/挑剔; be concerned about對……關心; be cautious about對……小心, 謹慎; be certain about對……肯定。所以選C。


  記住兩個固定搭配: be cautious about doing sth. 謹防做某事; be cautious about sth. 對……小心

  He warned us to be cautious about accepting their statements as fact.


  Doctors are understandably cautious about this new treatment.


  4. ***2015·泰州模擬***Had I known about this computer program, a huge amount of time and energy ________ .

  A. would have been saved B. had been saved

  C. will be saved D. was saved

  【解析】選A。句意: 如果我早知道這個電腦程式, 就可以節省大量的時間和精力了。根據句子的倒裝特徵判斷此處是省略了if的虛擬語氣, 原句是: If I had known about this computer program. . . 故選擇A。

  5. ***2015·宜興模擬***Smell the flowers before you go to sleep, and you may just ________ sweet dreams.

  A. keep up with B. put up with

  C. end up with D. catch up with

  【解析】選C。句意: 睡前聞一聞鮮花, 你可能最終會有甜蜜的夢。keep up with保持; put up with忍受; end up with以……結束; catch up with趕上。

  6. ***2015·寧波模擬*** ________ the extreme levels of air pollution, city authorities have started to take measures to quickly reduce pollution levels and protect city dwellers.

  A. In spite of B. As well as

  C. In response to D. By means of

  【解析】選C。考查介詞短語辨析。句意: 針對空氣汙染的極端水平, 市政府開始採取措施, 迅速降低汙染水平和保護城市居民。in spite of儘管; as well as而且, 還; in response to針對, 應對; by means of以……的方式。故C正確。

  7. Their relationship, ________ on years of open communication with each other, will last.

  A. base B. to base C. basing D. based

  【解析】選D。考查非謂語動詞。句意: 他們建立在多年彼此開放溝通之上的關係將持續下去。base on以……為基礎, 建立在……基礎之上, 根據句意可知“關係”應是被建立, 用過去分詞短語, 故D正確。


  Nowadays many people make their choices about what they buy ________ advertisements rather than their own judgment.

  A. basing on B. based on

  C. to base on D. was based on

  【解析】選B。考查非謂語動詞。句意: 現在很多人不是基於他們自己的判斷而是基於廣告對他們所要購買的東西做出選擇。based on為過去分詞短語在句中作定語, 相當於which are based on advertisements rather than their own judgment。

  8. While shopping, people sometimes can’t help ________ into buying something they don’t really need.

  A. to persuade B. persuading

  C. being persuaded D. be persuaded

  【解析】選C。考查非謂語動詞。句意: 購物時, 人們有時不由自主地被說服買一些自己並不真正需要的商品。can’t help doing sth. 不由自主地做某事。persuade與主語people之間是動賓關係。故選C。

  9. ***2015·福建八市聯考***—How do you find your trip to Taiwan during the week-long National Day Holiday?

  — ________ I can’t speak too highly of it.

  A. You said it. B. It’s awful!

  C. Don’t mention it. D. Oh, wonderful indeed!

  【解析】選D。考查情景交際。句意: ——你國慶節七天假期的臺灣之旅怎麼樣? ——哦, 很精彩! 無論怎樣稱讚都不為過。You said it一點不錯, 你還真說著了; It’s awful太糟糕了, 太可怕了; Don’t mention it沒關係, 不用謝; Oh, wonderful indeed! 哦, 很精彩。speak highly of高度讚揚, 情態動詞can的否定形式can’t與too連用, 表示肯定的含義。

  10. During the conversation, Mr. Li ________ that he planned to open a company of his own.

  A. remarked B. marked

  C. interrupted D. appreciated

  【解析】選A。考查動詞辨析。句意: 在談話中, 李先生談到他計劃開一家自己的公司。remark談論; mark標記; interrupt打斷; appreciate欣賞, 感謝。故答案為A。


  During the conversation, Mr. Li suddenly ________ me, adding that he planned to open a company of his own.

  A. remarked B. marked

  C. interrupted D. appreciated

  【解析】選C。考查動詞辨析。句意: 在談話中, 李先生突然打斷我, 並補充說他計劃開一家自己的公司。其他選項都不符合語境。

  11. ***2015·寧德模擬***If you see Jack please give my ________ to him for not having written to him.

  A. apology B. excuse C. message D. theory

  【解析】選A。考查名詞辨析。句意: 如果你見到傑克, 請把我沒有給他寫信的歉意轉達給他。apology歉意; excuse藉口; message資訊; theory理論。

  12. ***2015·溫州十校聯考***—It is said that most of us have passed the job interview. What about you?

  —I ________ the written papers but failed the oral test. A. looked through B. read through

  C. pulled through D. got through

  【解析】選D。考查動詞短語辨析。句意: ——據說我們大部分人通過了工作面試。你怎麼樣? ——我通過了筆試, 但是在口試方面失敗了。look through瀏覽, 溫習; read through通讀; pull through渡過難關; get through通過, 完成, 到達。

  13. Mr. Green stood up in defense of the 16-year-old boy, saying that he was not the one ________ .

  A. blamed B. blaming

  C. to blame D. to be blamed

  【解析】選C。考查非謂語動詞。句意: 格林先生站起來維護這個十六歲的男孩, 說他不該受到責備。此處是作定語修飾the one, blame和被修飾詞之間是被動關係, 而固定表達sb. be to blame“某人應該受責備”是主動形式表達被動含義。

  14. ***2015·無錫模擬***—If my sister goes to watch the singing competition named I’m a Singer next time, ________ . The competition is well organized.

  — ________ .

  A. so do I; So is it B. so do I; So it is

  C. so will I; So is it D. so will I; So it is

  【解析】選D。考查倒裝句。句意: ——如果我姐姐下次去看《我是歌手》的歌唱比賽, 我也去。比賽組織得很好。——它確實很好。so+助動詞/情態動詞/系動詞+主語, 意思是“……也是如此”, 如果不倒裝, 則表示“確實如此”。因為if條件句要用一般現在時表將來, 所以主句要用一般將來時。故答案為D。

  15. ***2015·安徽六校聯考***It’s a pity you were late, otherwise you ________ the film star Rain from South Korea.

  A. would have seen B. must have seen

  C. may have seen D. can have seen

  【解析】選A。考查虛擬語氣。句意: 很遺憾你遲到了, 否則你就會看到來自韓國的電影明星Rain了。根據otherwise判斷此處是含蓄型的虛擬語氣, 表示對過去的虛擬時, 主句用would/should/might have done。


  1. ***2015·南京模擬***Do you sometimes ignore loved ones because your life is too fast and busy leaving them ________ whether you really love them?

  A. wonder        B. to be wondering

  C. wondering D. wondered

  【解析】選C。考查非謂語動詞的用法。句意: 有時你會因為快速和繁忙的生活而忘記你所愛的人, 並讓他們疑惑你是否真的還愛他們? 空格處為leave sb. +賓語補足語結構。them與wonder之間為主動關係, 且表示動作正在進行, 故用wondering。

  2. Seeing the stranger ________ , the frightened baby couldn’t help ________ crying.

  A. burst in; bursting into B. break in; burst into

  C. break in; bursting out D. break into; burst out

  【解析】選C。考查固定表達。句意: 這個受驚的孩子看到陌生人破門而入, 忍不住大哭起來。burst out/into, break into均可表示“突然……起來”的意思, 區別在於burst into及break into後必須接名詞, 而burst out後須接動名詞。break in更強調破門而入。故選C。


  When he fell into the pond, I couldn’t help but burst ________ laughter.

  A. out   B. into   C. with   D. in

  【解析】選B。表示“突然……”時, burst into後常接名詞, 而burst out常接動名詞; burst with表示“擠滿, 充滿”; burst in表示“闖入, 打斷, 突然出現”, 後面不可接賓語。

  3. It is believed that the tight employment market has forced job seekers to ________ whatever work is available.

  A. take up B. take down

  C. take off D. take on

  【解析】選A。句意: 人們相信, 緊張的就業市場已經迫使求職者從事能找到的任何工作崗位。take up佔據, 從事; take down取下, 拆掉, 記下; take off起飛, 脫下, 離開, 突然成功; take on承擔, 呈現。故選A。

  4. The passengers were ________ in the traffic congestion which resulted from the accident ahead.

  A. held out B. held back

  C. held up D. held on

  【解析】選C。句意: 乘客由於前面的車禍導致的交通堵塞而被阻擋在路上。hold out堅持; hold back隱瞞; hold up阻隔, 阻擋; hold on繼續。故選C。

  5. ***2015·鹽城模擬***As we know, nothing can be equal to the ________ of parents for their children in the world.

  A. appreciation B. participation

  C. invitation D. affection

  【解析】選D。句意: 眾所周知, 世界上沒有東西可以和父母對孩子的愛進行媲美。appreciation欣賞, 感激; participation加入; invitation邀請; affection喜愛, 鍾愛。

  6. ________ is the power of the Internet that you can get whatever you want in no time. A. So B. This C. That D. Such

  【解析】選D。句意: 這就是網路的力量, 你可以立刻得到你想要的。such位於句首, 表示“這就是……”。

  7. The reason ________ he felt frustrated was ________ he lost his MP4.

  A. why; that B. that; why

  C. why; because D. that; because

  【解析】選A。句意: 他沮喪的原因是他丟了他的MP4。The reason why. . . is/was that. . . ……的原因是……。why he felt frustrated是定語從句修飾the reason; that he lost his MP4是表語從句。故選A。


  ________ he felt frustrated was ________ he lost his MP4.

  A. Why; that B. That; why

  C. Why; because D. That; because

  【解析】選A。句意: 他沮喪的原因是他丟了他的MP4。why he felt frustrated是主語從句; that he lost his MP4是表語從句。故選A。

  8. ***2015·江淮十校聯考***We should move on bravely on our life journey ________ difficulty we meet with.

  A. though B. unless

  C. however D. whatever

  【解析】選D。句意: 在人生的旅途中, 無論會遇到什麼樣的困難, 我們都應該勇敢前行。though儘管; unless除非; however無論怎樣; whatever無論什麼, 修飾名詞difficulty, 符合語境, 而however要修飾形容詞或副詞。

  9. —I believe it is the only solution to this problem.

  —That’s debatable, I think. I can ________ five other solutions as good as that.

  A. come up with B. make up with

  C. live up with D. keep up with

  【解析】選A。句意: ——我相信這是這個問題唯一的解決辦法。——我覺得那不一定。我可以再想出五個同樣好的辦法。come up with想出; make up with與……和解; 與……和好如初; live up with一般沒有這個短語; keep up with趕得上。


  —I believe it is the only solution to this problem.

  —That’s debatable, I think. Soon five other solutions as good as that will ________ .

  A. come up with B. make up

  C. live up with D. come up

  【解析】選D。本句的主語為five other solutions, 如果用come up with則要用被動語態, 而come up表示“***被***想出或提出”, 其主語為物, 相當於不及物動詞, 後不可接賓語, 無被動語態形式。

  10. With larger numbers of undergraduates than ever before, just having a degree will no longer be enough to make you ________ from the crowd.

  A. stand up B. stand by

  C. stand for D. stand out

  【解析】選D。句意: 現在的本科生比以前多了, 僅僅有個學位不能使你從人群中脫穎而出。stand up站起來; stand by袖手旁觀; stand for代表; stand out突出, 顯眼。

  11. Success for Li Ning was ________ , with its attractive designs and reasonable prices.

  A. graduated B. grateful

  C. guaranteed D. guarded

  【解析】選C。句意: 李寧有吸引人的設計和合理的價格, 其成功是有保證的。graduated畢業的; grateful感激的; guaranteed有保證的; guarded防衛的。故C正確。

  12. —The ice cream is really delicious. Can I have some more?

  — ________ .

  A. Behave yourself B. Please yourself

  C. Do it yourself D. Be my guest

  【解析】選D。句意: ——冰激凌確實很可口, 我能再吃一些嗎? ——請便。be my guest請便***用於禮貌地同意別人的請求***, 符合語境。behave yourself檢點, 舉止規矩有禮; do it yourself自己動手。
