
General 更新 2024年06月18日



  Ⅰ. 根據句意及首字母提示完成單詞***10分***

  1. As an e_______ student, Li Lei has studied in London for 3 years.

  2. To watch English f_______ is a good way to learn English.

  3. Many girls want to be f_______ attendants.

  4. It’s necessary for a tour g_______ to know a foreign language.

  5. To eat breakfast is very important, e_______ for the teenagers.

  Ⅱ. 單項選擇***10分***

  1. Mr. King is old, but he knows some sports stars _______ Bolt, Sun Yang and Kobe.

  A. like    B. such    C. as    D. for example

  2. —Who _______ the Mars?

  —Sorry, I don’t know.

  A. found B. looked

  C. discovered D. invented

  3. I am _______ about _______ to an island.

  A. think; travel B. thinking; travel

  C. think; traveling D. thinking; traveling

  4. I have _______ the dictionary for more than six years.

  A. buy    B. bought    C. had    D. to buy

  5. — _______ have you been at this school?

  —For 2 years.

  A. How long    B. When    C. How far    D. How soon

  Ⅲ. 完成句子***10分***

  1. 請考慮我的計劃。

  Please _______ _______ my plan.

  2. 他的夢想是成為一名歌手。

  His dream is _______ _______ a singer.

  3. 幫助他人是很有意思的。

  _______ fun _______ _______ others.

  4. 我叔叔已經離開長沙兩週了。

  My uncle _______ _______ away from Changsha _______ 2 weeks.

  5. 你決定畢業以後想要做什麼了嗎?

  Have you _______ what you _______ _______ _______ after school?

  Ⅳ. 補全對話,每空一詞***10分***

  A: Hello! May I ask you some questions?

  B: Sure.

  A: What’s your name, please?

  B: Thomas Ruzic.

  A: You speak English well. How long 1 you 2 studying English?

  B: For three years.

  A: Oh. Have you 3 been to  4  English-speaking country?

  B: Yes, I have. I was an exchange student in the United States  5  three months.

  A: Really? When was that?

  B: When I  6  thirteen.

  A:  7  do you want to improve your English?

  B: I want to  8  around the world, and I need English to do that.

  1. __________ 2. __________ 3. __________ 4. __________

  5. __________ 6. __________ 7. __________ 8. __________

  Ⅴ. 閱讀理解***10分***

  People usually hate mice***老鼠***, but one mouse wins the hearts of the people all over the world—the famous Mickey Mouse.

  Fifty years ago, most films had no sounds. A man named Walt Disney made a cartoon***動畫***mouse that could talk in these films. He named his mouse Mickey Mouse. Soon Mickey became a good friend of both young and old people. Children liked to see their lovely friend, because he brought happiness to them.

  Mickey is a clean mouse right from the beginning. Perhaps this is why people love Mickey Mouse. In his early life Mickey made some mistakes. People were very angry. They wrote to Disney and said that they did not want Mickey to do wrong things. As there were some things that Mickey could not do, Disney made a new animal named Donald Duck. He also made a dog, Pluto. This dog does foolish things and makes mistakes wherever he goes. Now our Mickey Mouse is not only clean, but more interesting. He came out as a start of beauty and wisdom***智慧***. He has his friends in almost every country.

  1. Mickey Mouse first came out _________.

  A. on TV B. in the film

  C. in the play D. in the picture-book

  2. People love Mickey Mouse because _________.

  A. it can speak B. it makes them lucky

  C. it is clean D. it is a mouse

  3. The dog, Pluto is _________.

  A. a fool B. clever

  C. beautiful D. a living animal

  4. The best title***標題***for the passage is _________.

  A. Pluto

  B. Walt Disney

  C. Donald Duck

  D. Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck

  5. Why did Disney make Donald Duck? _________.

  A. Because Mickey Mouse needed ducks

  B. Because there was a dog, Pluto

  C. Because there were some things that Mickey could not do

  D. Because Mickey was able to do everything


  Ⅰ. 答案:1. exchange  2. films  3. flight  4. guide  5. especially

  Ⅱ. 答案:1~5. ACDCA

  Ⅲ. 答案:1. think about/of  2. to be/become  3. It’s; to help

  4. has been; for  5. decided; want to do

  Ⅳ. 答案:1. have  2. been  3. ever  4. an  5. for   6. was

  7. Why  8. travel

  Ⅴ. 答案:1~5. BCADC
