
General 更新 2024年06月06日



  During the Spring Festival, my mother took me to the plane to play in Yunnan, I am so long or the first plane, really excited.

  We have done three hours of the car, came to Jinan airport. Mother they run the formalities, we came to the gate on the 1st, immediately boarded.

  We got on the plane, wow! The plane was so generous! I got my seat and sat down. At this time, the cabin came a beautiful and sweet voice: "Dear travelers, you are good! Our plane will soon take off, please check to see if the seat belt is good.

  The plane slipped slowly on the runway, suddenly, an acceleration, the plane took off. My heart is like a Chuaizhuo a small rabbit like a pounding. However, blink of an eye on the smooth down.

  Next, the stewardess and thoughtful service began. "Children, may I ask you to drink fruit juice or coffee?" That sound gentle, sweet. Listened to someone particularly comfortable. Look at the beautiful flight attendants, I think, I grew up to be a stewardess, for the people. All the way air travel, let us think is a unique enjoyment.

  The plane was flying at high altitude, and I saw the beautiful sky, the white clouds. Bird's eye view of the motherland, it is not fun. Mountains and rivers, rivers and lakes, towns and villages, as if the continuous picture, let me panoramic view. Not to Yunnan, not to Dali, I have been the magnificent mountains and rivers of the country intoxicated.

  What a memorable trip to the Spring Festival!


  I have long been looking forward to the Spring Festival finally arrived. Because in the past few days, I can enjoy the firecrackers, can be fun!

  Early in the morning, I can not wait to find my good friend Chen Junheng shot in the yard. When we play hard, Chen Junheng see a waste iron jar. He said to me: "as we fried the jar it!", "Well!" I said. We unite as one, work together to start the fried that is not urging the iron cans. We used dozens of powerful weapons are the biggest blows are not bad. When we are disheartened, this gun is the most "sensible" one. Just listen, "Boom" a loud noise, the jar immediately divided into two children. I and Chen Junheng ecstatic. Deep up the iron jar, we came to a soft land, I buried a "small mine". In the ground, "Boom" soon, saw the earth to two meters, like a blooming like flowers. When I put the second gun again, the unfortunate thing happened. I ran the gun, turned and ran, a stone just caught my feet, my side clutching his ears, while standing up, lucky, that the gun did not point, really a false alarm, scared ah!

  The most exciting scene in the evening, the night sky is full of colorful fireworks. I and my father holding a small box of all kinds of fireworks came to the courtyard. First lit a small fireworks, with the "tom" sound of the explosion, I saw a meteor-like Mars from the bottom up straight on the night sky, when the small Mars rose to the top is about to fall when the sudden small Mars turned into a beautiful flower, it opened the petals covered with our head of the sky, the petals in the fall, and out of a blossoming flowers, red, purple, yellow The colorful, beautiful!

  In the twinkling of an eye, the winter vacation is over, and I look forward to coming sooner or later next year. As the saying goes, "New Year, New Year! Wear new clothes, firecrackers, one year more than a year!"


  The sound of the firecrackers, we ushered in the Chinese people's most grand festival - the Spring Festival, every family beaming, hanging lanterns, paste the red couplets, busy ... ...

  The following are the same as the "

  The reason why the Spring Festival is a very important festival, because through this celebration of the festival, can strengthen the family ties and family. Like: reunion dinner, to friends and relatives next year gifts and so on. These customs are to remind people that the family in the community status. The world where there is a place where Chinese people live, all the grand and warm celebration of this festival. The Spring Festival celebration starts from the first lunar month to the first lunar month. For fifteen days. The following are the same as the "

  The following are the same as the "

  Chinese New Year day, morning, my father and mother, grandparents ... ... to the grave Night, at home to eat reunion dinner, wow! Today's dishes are rich, there are crabs and prawns, ants on the tree, sweet and sour pork ribs ... ... I put each cup full of Sprite, and then I raised the cup of all their loved ones New Year.
