
General 更新 2024年06月15日

  動詞的語態是動詞的一種形式,表示主語和謂語之間語法或語義的關係.英語的語態有兩種:主動語態和被動語態.主動語態用於主動句,表示主語是動作的執行者.被動語態用於被動句,表示主語是動作的承受者.主動語態的構成方式與動詞時態相同,而被動語態由 助動詞be+過去分詞 構成,有人稱,數,時態的變化。下面小編為大家帶來,歡迎大家學習


  1. let 的用法

  1當let後只有一個單音節動詞,變被動語態時,可用不帶to 的不定式。例如:

  They let the strange go.他們放陌生人走了。

  ---> The strange was let go.

  2當let 後賓補較長時,let 通常不用被動語態,而用allow或permit 代替。例如:

  The nurse let me go to see my classmate in the hospital. 那護士讓我去探望住院的同學。

  ----> I was allowed / permitted to see my classmate in the hospital.



  My sister will be taken care of by Grandma. 我妹妹由奶奶照顧。

  Such a thing has never been heard of before. 這樣的事聞所未聞。

  3. 表示"據說"或"相信" 的片語,基本上由believe, consider, declare, expect, feel , report, say, see, suppose, think, understand等組成。例如:

  It is said that…   據說

  It is reported that… 據報道

  It is believed that… 大家相信

  It is hoped that… 大家希望

  It is well known that… 眾所周知

  It is thought that… 大家認為

  It is suggested that… 據建議

  It is taken granted that…  被視為當然

  It has been decided that… 大家決定

  It must be remember that… 務必記住的是

  4. 不用被動語態的情況

  1 不及物動詞或不及物動詞短語,如appear, die disappear, endvi. 結束, fail, happen, last, lie, remain, sit, spread, stand, break out, come true, fall asleep, keep silence, lose heart, take place等沒有無被動語態。例如:

  After the fire, very little remained of my house. 大火過後,我家燒得所剩無幾。

  比較:rise, fall, happen是不及物動詞;raise, seat是及物動詞。


  2 不能用於被動語態的及物動詞或動詞短語,如fit, have, hold, marry, own, wish, cost, notice, watch agree with, arrive at / in, shake hands with, succeed in, suffer from, happen to, take part in, walk into, belong to等。例如:

  This key just fits the lock. 這把鑰匙只配這把鎖。

  Your story agrees with what had already been heard. 你說的與我們聽說的一致。

  3 系動詞無被動語態,如appear, be become, fall, feel, get, grow, keep, look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, turn等。例如:It sounds good. 聽上去不錯。

  4 帶同源賓語的及物動詞如die/death, dream/dream, live/life等,以及反身代詞,相互代詞,不能用於被動語態。例如:

  She dreamed a bad dream last night. 她昨晚做了個惡夢。

  5 當賓語是不定式時,很少用於被動語態。例如:

  對 She likes to swim.

  錯 To swim is liked by her.

  5. 主動形式表示被動意義

  1wash, clean, cook, iron, look, cut, sell, read, wear, feel, draw, write, sell等。例如:

  The book sells well.  這本書銷路好。

  This knife cuts easily.  這刀子很好用。

  2blame, let出租, remain, keep, rent, build等。例如:

  I was to blame for the accident. 事故發生了,我該受指責。

  Much work remains. 還有許多活要幹。

  3 在need, require, want, worth 形容詞, deserve後的動名詞必須用主動形式。例如:

  The door needs repairing.= The door needs to be repaired. 門該修了。

  This book is worth reading. 這本書值得一讀。

  4特殊結構:make sb. heard / understood 使別人能聽見/理解自己等。例如:

  Explain it clearly and make yourself understood. 解釋清楚些,讓別人理解你的話。

  6. 被動形式表示主動意義,如 be determined, be pleased, be graduated from, be prepared for, be occupied in, get married等。例如:

  He is graduated from a famous university. 他畢業於一所有名的大學。

  注意:表示同某人結婚,用marry sb. 或get married to sb.均可。例如:

  He married a rich girl. 他與一個富妞結婚了。

  He got married to a rich girl.


  當 need, want, require, be worth後面接doing時,表示的是被動意義。例如:

  Your hair wants cutting. 你的頭髮該理了。

  The floor requires washing. 地板需要衝洗。


  1. If city noises ____ from increasing,people ____ shout to be heard even at dinner.

  A. are not kept;will have to B. are not kept;have

  C. do not keep;will have to D. do not keep;have to

  2. The fifth generation computers, with artificial intelligence, are ____and perfected now.

  A. developed B. have developed

  C. are being developed D. will have been developed

  3. --- ____ the sports meet might be put off.--- Yes,it all depends on the weather.

  A. I've been told B. I've told C. I'm told D. I told

  4. I need one more stamp before my collection ___.

  A. has completed B. completes C. has been completed D. is completed

  5. Rainforests ___ and burned at such a speed that they will disappear from the earth in the near future.

  A. cut B. are cut C. are being cut D. had been cut

  6. The new suspension bridge ___ by the end of last month.

  A. has been designed B. had been designed

  C. was designed  D. would be designed

  7. When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it ____.

  A. breaks B. has broken C. was broken D. had been broken

  8. Great changes ___ in the city, and a lot of factories ___.

  A. have been taken place; have been set up B. have taken place; have been set up

  C. have taken place; have set up D. were taken place; were set up

  9. That suit __ over 60 dollars.

  A. had costed B. costed C. is costed D. cost

  10. - Look! Everything here is under construction.- What’s the pretty small house that __ for?

  A. is being built B. has been built C. is built D. is building

  11.--- Do you like the material? --- Yes, it ___ very soft.

  A. is feeling B. felt C. feels D. is felt

  12. It is difficult for a foreigner ____ Chinese.

  A. write B. to write C. to be written D. written

  13. I have no more letters ____ ,thank you.

  A. to type B. typing C. to be typed D. typed

  14. Take care! Don’t drop the ink on your shirt, for it __ easily.

  A. won’t wash out B. won’t be washed out C. isn’t washed out D. isn’t washing out

  15. Nobody noticed the thief slip into the house because the lights happened to ___.

  A. be put up B. give in C. be turned on D. go out

  16. The computers on the table ___ Professor Smith.

  A. belongs B. are belonged to  C. belongs to D. belong to

  17. --- What do you think of the book?  ---Oh, excellent. It’s worth ___ a second time.

  A. to read B. to be read C. reading D. being read

  18. The squirrel was lucky that it just missed ___.

  A. catching B. to be caught  C. being caught D. to catch

  19. This page needed ___ again.

  A. being checked B. checked  C. to check D. to be checked

  20. ___ many times, the boy still didn’t know how to do the exercises

  A. Having taught B. Having been taught  C. taught D. Teaching


  1--5 ACADC 6--10 BCBDA  11--15 CBCAD 16--20 DCCDB
