
General 更新 2024年06月12日



  1. ***2015·揚州中學模擬***Maria ________ the interviewers with her knowledge and experience, and as a result she was offered the job.

  A. provided B. inspired

  C. persuaded D. impressed

  【解析】選D。句意: 瑪麗亞用知識和經驗給面試官們留下了深刻的印象, 因此她得到了這份工作。impress sb. with sth. 用……給某人留下深刻的印象, 符合本題題意。provide提供; inspire鼓勵, 激勵; persuade說服, 都不合題意。


  ***2015·莆田模擬*** ________ with the performance by Lily, the judges gave her a high score.

  A. Impressing B. Being impressed

  C. Impressed D. Having impressed

  【解析】選C。考查非謂語動詞。be impressed with對……留下深刻印象, 主語the judges是動詞impress的動作承受者, 故用過去分詞作狀語, 表原因, 相當於原因狀語從句Because the judges were impressed with the performance by Lily。

  2. ***2015·溫州模擬***—We ________ gas. I’m afraid we can’t go much further.

  —I know there’s a gas station ahead. Sure it will last out till we get there.

  A. run out B. are running out

  C. are running out of D. have run out of

  【解析】選C。考查時態和動詞短語辨析。句意: ——我們快要用完汽油了, 恐怕我們不能再向前走了。——我知道前面有一個加油站, 剩餘的油還可以讓我們堅持到那裡。此處為現在進行時表示“將來”的概念, 表示“汽油快用完了”。run out意為“用完, 耗盡***某物***”, 後面接賓語時須加上of。


  —Our gas ________ . I’m afraid we can’t go much further.

  —I know there’s a gas station ahead. Sure it will last out till we get there.

  A. runs out B. is running out

  C. is running out of D. has run out of

  【解析】選B。考查時態和動詞短語辨析。句意: ——我們的汽油快要用完了, 恐怕我們不能再向前走了。——我知道前面有一個加油站, 剩餘的油還可以讓我們堅持到那裡。此處為現在進行時表示“將來”的概念, 表示“汽油快用完了”。run out意為“用完, 耗盡”。主語為Our gas, 所以要用run out。run out後面接賓語時須加上of。

  3. This restaurant has become popular for its wide ________ of foods that suit all tastes and pockets.

  A. division B. area C. range D. circle

  【解析】選C。考查名詞辨析。句意: 這家餐館越來越出名是由於它做的各種各樣的食物適合各種口味和消費水平的人群。division分隔, 隔離; area地區; range同一種類之中的一系列; circle圈。a range of強調一個系列, 而a wide range of意為“各種各樣的”, 符合題意。

  4. —What does the model plane look like?

  —Well, the length of its wings is ________ of its body.

  A. more than twice the length

  B. twice more than

  C. more than twice that

  D. twice the length

  【解析】選C。考查倍數表達法。句意: ——這架飛機模型是什麼樣子的? ——它的機翼的長度是機身長度的兩倍多。此題使用了倍數表達句型, 先說倍數再說其他, 且為避免重複用that代指上文出現的名詞the length。5. —Shall I keep an eye on your house when you are on holiday?

  — ________ .

  A. It’s up to you B. Of course you should

  C. If you should like D. I would appreciate that

  【解析】選D。考查交際用語。句意: ——你度假時, 要我幫你照看房子嗎? ——不勝感激。It’s up to you你說了算; Of course you should當然應該; If you should like如果你願意; I would appreciate that不勝感激。根據語境可知, 只有D項符合英語表達習慣。

  6. There is some doubt among people ________ $750 is too much for an iPhone 6.

  A. that B. whether C. what D. if

  【解析】選B。考查同位語從句。句意: 人們有些疑問, 750美元是不是對於一部iPhone 6太貴了。此處是名詞doubt的同位語從句, doubt表示“疑惑, 懷疑”, 同位語從句應用whether引導, if不可引導名詞性從句。


  1. ________ of danger in the street at night, she had to go home, with a friend ________ her.

  A. Warned; accompanied

  B. Having warned; accompanying

  C. Warning; accompanying

  D. Having been warned; accompanying

  【解析】選D。考查非謂語動詞。句意: 被警告晚上在街上有危險, 她不得不由一位朋友陪著回家。結合語境, 主語she與warn之間是被動關係, 應用過去分詞或現在分詞的完成被動式; 在“with +賓語+賓語補足語”結構中, friend與作賓語補足語的動詞accompany之間是主動關係, 用現在分詞。故答案選D。


  Having been warned of danger in the street at night, she had to go home, ________ by a friend of hers.

  A. having accompanied B. accompanied

  C. accompanying D. being accompanied

  【解析】選B。考查非謂語動詞作狀語。結合語境, 主語she與動詞accompany之間為動賓關係, 所以要用過去分詞, 相當於who was accompanied by a friend of hers。

  2. We were just ________ calling you up ________ you came in.

  A. about; when B. on the point of; while

  C. on the point of; when D. on the point of; as

  【解析】選C。句意: 你進來時我們正要給你打電話。be on the point of doing sth. when“正要做某事, 這時……”是一個固定句型。when在此處是並列連詞, 相當於and at this/that time。


  We were just ________ call you up ________ you came in.

  A. about to; when B. on the point of; while

  C. on the point of; when D. about to; as

  【解析】選A。考查句型。固定表達be about to do sth. when. . . 表示“正要做某事這時突然……”。

  3. ***2015·興化模擬*** ________ from a novel, the film Night at the Museum brings to life a world where dinosaurs wander the earth.

  A. To be adapted B. Adapting

  C. Having adapted D. Adapted

  【解析】選D。考查非謂語動詞。邏輯主語the film與adapt之間為被動關係, 所以要用過去分詞形式作狀語。

  4. ________ this, teams should start looking for a bigger purpose in what they are doing.

  A. As a result of B. Instead of

  C. At the close of D. Apart from

  【解析】選D。句意: 除此之外, 團隊應該開始為自己的工作尋求一個更遠大的目標。apart from除了……以外。

  5. As we all know, strong winds generally ________ the rain.

  A. accomplish B. account

  C. accommodate D. accompany

  【解析】選D。句意: 我們都知道, 狂風一般都伴隨著雨。accomplish完成; account解釋; accommodate容納, 適應; accompany伴隨。

  6. ***2015·沭陽模擬***We human beings should be very careful with what we do with nature, ________ power is beyond our understanding.

  A. that B. which C. whose D. where

  【解析】選C。考查非限制性定語從句。句意: 我們人類應該謹慎對待自然, ***因為***它的力量超乎我們的想象。句中有逗號, 是非限制性定語從句, 排除A, 先行詞是nature, power與nature是所屬關係, 故用whose引導。


  ***1***通讀全句, 找準先行詞。

  ***2***將先行詞放回定語從句中, 判斷先行詞在定語從句中充當句子的什麼成分。

  ***3***如果先行詞在從句中作主語或賓語, 那就選擇關係代詞that, which, who或whom, 再根據是指人還是指物進行選擇。

  ***4***如果我們發現從句不缺主語也不缺賓語, 而把先行詞放回定語從句中, 先行詞前需新增一個介詞句子才能完整, 則只能選關係副詞, 再根據是指時間、地點還是原因來選擇when, where或why。

  ***5***先行詞如果在從句中需要變為所有格***也就是表示“……的”***, 就選whose。7. The project ________ by the end of 2015 will greatly expand the city’s telephone network.

  A. accomplished B. being accomplished

  C. to be accomplished D. having accomplished

  【解析】選C。考查非謂語動詞作定語。句意: 這個到2015年年底竣工的工程將大大擴充套件這個城市的電話網路。動詞不定式的被動形式表示“將要被……”, 作project的定語。


  The project ________ by the end of 2011 greatly expanded the city’s telephone network.

  A. accomplished B. being accomplished

  C. to be accomplished D. having accomplished

  【解析】選A。根據時間狀語by the end of 2011可知, 此工程已經完工, 名詞project與動詞accomplish之間為動賓關係, 所以要用過去分詞作後置定語。分詞的完成式形式不可作後置定語, 只能作狀語。

  8. After ________ by the police for several days, the robber had to give in.

  A. surrounding B. surrounded

  C. surround D. being surrounded

  【解析】選D。考查非謂語動詞。句意: 在被警察包圍了幾天之後, 那個搶劫犯最終屈服了。after是介詞, 後面的動詞要用doing形式, 後面的主語the robber與surround之間是被動關係, 所以選擇D。

  9. ***2015·諸暨模擬***The headmaster has promised us that we shall be told ________ the results of the exam come out.

  A. in case B. every time

  C. ever since D. the instant

  【解析】選D。考查連詞用法。句意: 校長向我們承諾, 考試結果一出來就通知我們。此處the instant相當於連詞, 表示“一……就……”。


  The headmaster has promised us that we shall be told ________ the results of the exam come out.

  A. until B. though C. since D. instantly

  【解析】選D。考查連詞用法。句意: 校長向我們承諾, 考試結果一出來就通知我們。此處instantly相當於連詞as soon as, 表示“一……就……”。

  10. ***2015·紹興一中模擬***I think Tom, as the head of a big department, should either study regularly or ________ his job.

  A. quits B. to quit C. quitting D. quit

  【解析】選D。考查固定用法。either. . . or. . . 要麼……要麼……, 這是一個表示選擇關係的短語。位於情態動詞should後, 所以都使用動詞原形。

  11. ***2015·南京模擬***Half of the medical supplies have already been ________ to the victims of the earthquake.

  A. separated B. divided

  C. allocated D. allowed

  【解析】選C。考查動詞辨析。句意: 一半的醫療用品已經被分配給了地震的受害者。separate分離; divide分成; allocate分配; allow允許。

  12. ***2015·徐州模擬***Teddy came to my ________ with a cheque of $200 to pay my room rent, after I told him that my wallet had been stolen.

  A. attendance B. assistance

  C. rescue D. safety

  【解析】選B。考查名詞辨析。句意: 在我告訴Teddy我的錢包被偷之後, 他拿著一張200美元的支票來幫助我付房租。attendance出席, 參加; assistance幫助; rescue拯救; safety安全。come to one’s assistance來幫助某人。
