
General 更新 2024年06月02日



  Written test part

  Ⅳ. 單項選擇每小題1分, 共10分


   16. —Can Tim play _________ chess?

  —Yes. And he can play _________ drums, too.

  A. the; the B. the; 不填

  C. 不填; the D. 不填;不填

   17. I always help my sister _________ her history.

  A. with B. of

  C. for D. in

   18. —Can you sing _________ dance, Gina?

  —I can sing, Miss Xu.

  A. or B. and

  C. but D. because

   19. Hello, Linda! You can _________ a student in our school.

  A. am B. is

  C. are D. be

   20. He can _________. He wants to join the art club.

  A. swim B. draw

  C. write D. sing

   21. Clark is a teacher and he _________ Chinese.

  A. teaches B. watches

  C. asks D. calls

   22. —Can you _________ English?

  —Yes, I can.

  A. say B. speak

  C. talk D. tell

   23. —_________?

  —Yes, he can.

  A. What can Victor do

  B. Can I join the club

  C. What can I do

  D. Can Victor join the club

   24. —Can you play the violin?

  —_________. But I can play the piano.

  A. Yes, I can B. Yes, I do

  C. No, I don’t D. No, I can’t

   25. —What can Bob do?

  —He _________.

  A. can sing and dance

  B. plays volleyball well

  C. likes soccer very much

  D. wants to be in our club

  Ⅴ. 情景交際 每小題1分,共5分


  A: Hi, can I help you?

  B: Yes, please. 26_____________________

  A: What club do you want to join?

  B: 27_____________________

  A: Can you draw?

  B: No, I can’t.

  A: 28_____________________

  B: Yes. And I can play them well.

  A: 29_____________________

  B: Great! Then I can know much about music.

  A: Here is a card. 30_____________________

  B: OK. Thanks.

  A. You can join the sports club.

  B. I think you can join the music club.

  C. Please write your name and phone number.

  D. I want to join a club.

  E. What can you do?

  F. Can you play the drums?

  G. I don’t know.

  Ⅵ. 完形填空 每小題1分,共10分


  易讀度 ★☆☆☆☆

  Hello, I’m Abel. We have some 31 in our school — the music club, the chess club, the sports club and so on. Many boys want to 32 the sports club. What sports can 33 play? They can play basketball, volleyball and tennis, and they 34 basketball best 最. They think it’s interesting and 35 . We all know Lin Shuhao is 36 great basketball player 運動員. Boys 37 to be a basketball player like him. Some girls 38 like playing basketball.

  Can you play basketball? If not, I can tell you 39 . I’m in the basketball club. I can play it well. It’s not 40 to be a good player. But if you work hard and often play it, you can do well.

   31. A. classes B. clubsC. computers D. subjects

   32. A. see B. help C. join D. sell

   33. A. they B. we C. you D. he

   34. A. thank B. need C. watch D. love

   35. A. boring B. relaxing C. busy D. fat

   36. A. the B. an C. a D. 不填

   37. A. sound B. want C. get D. come

   38. A. also B. too C. only D. very

   39. A. where B. what C. how D. when

   40. A. small B. difficult C. big D. easy

  Ⅶ. 閱讀理解 每小題2分,共20分


  易讀度 ★☆☆☆☆

  Mike: Can I help you?

  Jane: I want to join the art club. I can draw well.

  Mike: OK. What’s your name?

  Jane: Jane Brown.

  Mike: How old are you?

  Jane: I’m 12. I want to join the swimming club, too.

  Mike: Can you swim?

  Jane: No, I can’t, but I like swimming and I want to learn 學習 it.

  Mike: OK. What’s your phone number? And your e-mail address 地址?

  Jane: I don’t have a phone. My e-mail address is jane@gmail.

  Mike: OK. Welcome to our clubs.

  Jane: When can I come to the clubs?

  Mike: Come to the art club on Sunday afternoon and the swimming club on Saturday evening.

  Jane: Thanks a lot.


   41. Jane is ______ years old.

  A. ten B. eleven

  C. twelve D. thirteen

   42. Jane cannot ______.

  A. draw B. swim

  C. sing D. dance

   43. Jane can come to the art club ______.

  A. on Saturday morning

  B. on Saturday evening

  C. on Sunday afternoon

  D. on Sunday evening

   44. Why does Jane want to join the swimming club?

  A. She likes swimming and wants to learn it.

  B. She wants to have new friends.

  C. She wants to be healthy.

  D. She thinks swimming is relaxing.

   45. 下面的陳述哪項是正確的?

  A. Jane has a phone.

  B. Jane has no e⁃mail address.

  C. Mike is Jane’s good friend.

  D. Mike thinks Jane can join the two clubs.


  易讀度 ★★☆☆☆

  My name is Sabrina. I’m 23 years old. I come from London. Now I live 生活 in Beijing. I love teaching English. I think it’s interesting. I can speak Chinese, too. I have experience 經驗 in teaching English in China.

  My e-mail address is sabrina@sina.

  I’m Bill, an 18⁃year⁃old student. I live in Nanjing now. I can play the guitar well. I like to be a teacher. I have free time on weekends. Do you want to learn the guitar? Please call me at 15069606503.

  I’m June Smith. I’m 25. I can swim well. I want to be a swimming teacher. I love kids and I’m good with kids. I can help them learn to swim. If you need a teacher in your club, please e⁃mail me at june@sina.


   46. Sabrina wants to be ______.

  A. a Chinese teacher

  B. an English teacher

  C. a guitar teacher

  D. a swimming teacher

   47. Bill lives in ______.

  A. Nanjing B. Beijing

  C. Shanghai D. Hefei

   48. June wants to work in an ______ club.

  A. English B. music

  C. swimming D. soccer

   49. Lisa needs a swimming teacher. She can ______.

  A. call June B. e-mail June

  C. call Sabrina D. e-mail Sabrina

   50. Bob wants Bill to teach him the guitar. He can learn it on ______.

  A. Monday B. Wednesday

  C. Friday D. Sunday

  Ⅷ. 詞彙運用每小題0.5分,共5分


  51. ______________ 52. ______________

  53. ______________ 54. ______________

  55. ______________


  56. Our English teacher tells us s in English.

  57. I want to t to them and play games with them.

  58. He is not at school and he is at h .

  59. Can I m friends with you?

  60. Linda can play basketball on the w .

  Ⅸ. 完成句子每小題2分,共20分


  61. 他喜歡和人們談話。

  He likes to people.

  62. 我妹妹也是一名音樂家。

  My sister is a .

  63. 對付老人你有一套嗎?

  Are you old people?

  64. 今天你想做什麼運動?

  sports do you want to play ?

  65. 他在游泳俱樂部嗎?

  Is he in the ?


  66. They want to join the sports club. 改為一般疑問句

  ________ they want to ________ the sports club?

  67. The girl can play tennis well. 改為一般疑問句

  ________ the girl ________ tennis well?

  68. Can Bill play the drums well? 作否定回答

  ________, he ________.

  69. Mary can play ping-pong and soccer. 改為否定句

  Mary ________ play ping-pong ________ soccer.

  70. Tom can join the chess club. 對劃線部分提問

  ________ ________ can Tom join?

  Ⅹ. 書面表達 10分




  易讀度 ★★☆☆☆

  My name is Dora. I’m American and I’m thirteen. I’m a student in No. 7 Middle School. I like music very much. I can play two instruments — the guitar and the piano. I play them very well and I’m on the school art club.

  Jeff and Michael are my brothers. They are students, too. But we aren’t in the same school. They like sports. Jeff plays basketball and soccer very well. Michael swims and plays ping-pong very well. I am not good at sports. They help me with sports after school.

  We live in London with our parents now. My mother is an English teacher and my father is a musician. My mother swims well. My father can play the violin.


   1. There are ______ people in Dora’s family.

  A. three B. four C. five D. six

   2. The underlined word “instruments” means “______” in Chinese.

  A. 器具 B. 樂器 C. 工具 D. 食品

   3. Jeff is good at ______.

  A. soccer and ping-pong

  B. swimming and ping-pong

  C. soccer and basketball

  D. swimming and basketball

   4. What does Dora’s father do?

  A. He is an English teacher.

  B. He is a doctor.

  C. He is a sports player.

  D. He is a musician.

   5. 下面的陳述哪項是正確的?

  A. Dora is good at sports.

  B. Jeff and Michael like music.

  C. Dora’s parents live in London now.

  D. Jeff and Michael are in No. 7 Middle School.

