
General 更新 2024年06月12日



  1. ***2015·長沙模擬***Where is Flight MH370? Investigators ________ to answer this question for several months.

  A. were attempting    B. have been attempting

  C. are attempting D. will be attempting

  【解析】選B。句意: MH370航班在哪兒呢? 幾個多月以來調查人員一直試圖回答這個問題。“試圖回答這個問題”發生在過去, 並且一直在進行, 故用現在完成進行時。

  2. The charity sale our school organizes every year has taught us much. ________ we would never have learned it in class.

  A. Therefore B. Meanwhile

  C. Otherwise D. Instead

  【解析】選C。句意: 每年我們學校組織的慈善義賣教給我們許多東西。否則的話, 在課堂上我們永遠不會學到這些。otherwise否則; therefore因此; meanwhile與此同時; instead代替。


  ***2015·南京模擬***The conservation area is very important for preserving many animals and plants, which would ________ run the risk of becoming extinct.

  A. otherwise B. therefore

  C. though D. instead

  【解析】選A。句意: 自然保護區對保護許多動植物很重要, 不然, 這些動植物有瀕臨滅絕的危險。otherwise否則; therefore因此; though儘管; instead代替。

  3. ***2015·合肥模擬***The 2016 Summer Olympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which becomes the first city in South America ________ Olympics.

  A. hosting B. to host

  C. having hosted D. being hosted

  【解析】選B。句意: 2016年夏季奧運會將在巴西里約熱內盧舉行, 它將成為南美洲第一個舉辦奧運會的城市。序數詞修飾名詞時後跟不定式作後置定語。

  4. A special title was awarded to her, an ordinary Chinese teacher, ________ her act of bravery to rescue two students at the risk of her own life.

  A. in favor of B. in place of

  C. in honor of D. in terms of

  【解析】選C。考查介詞短語。句意: 她——一位普通的語文教師, 被授予一個特殊的稱號, 以表彰她冒著生命危險挽救兩名學生的英勇事蹟。in favor of支援, 擁護; in place of代替; in honor of紀念, 表彰; in terms of就……而言。

  5. Needles apparently stuck into the body of an 11-month-old baby by her abusive aunt were surgically***手術地*** ________ on Tuesday.

  A. moved B. placed C. replaced D. removed

  【解析】選D。考查動詞辨析。句意: 在週二被虐待她的阿姨刺進這個11個月大的嬰兒身體裡的針被用手術取出了。remove移除; move移動; place放置; replace代替。


  Steve shouldn’t be ________ from school although he was very naughty.

  A. disappeared B. gone

  C. removed D. beaten

  【解析】選C。考查動詞辨析。句意: 儘管史蒂夫非常淘氣, 也不應該把他從學校開除。remove. . . from school“把某人從學校開除”; disappear“消失”; go“離去”; beat“擊敗”。

  6. ***2015·溫州模擬***Experts warn that global warming will cause extreme climate changes including more ________ floods, heat waves and droughts.

  A. usual  B. ordinary  C. frequent  D. common

  【解析】選C。句意: 專家警告說全球變暖會導致極端氣候變化包括洪災頻發、熱浪和乾旱。frequent頻繁的; usual通常的; ordinary普通的; common常見的。

  7. We are now enjoying the cool air in the room. ________ , the farmers are harvesting crops in the hot sun.

  A. Therefore B. Besides

  C. As a result D. In the meanwhile

  【解析】選D。句意: 我們現在在房間享受清涼的空氣, 與此同時, 農民們正在炎熱的陽光下收割莊稼。in the meanwhile與此同時; therefore因此; besides此外; as a result結果, 因此。

  8. ***2015·合肥模擬***Most of us found every team of the 2014 FIFA World Cup ________ violently in the match. A. to compete B. competing

  C. having competed D. competed

  【解析】選B。句意: 我們大多數人都發現2014年世界盃中的每一支球隊都在激烈競爭。every team與compete之間為主動關係, 故用動詞-ing形式。

  9. ***2015·漳州模擬*** ________ , the driver looked at the vast desert without knowing if he could get across safely.

  A. Tired and sad B. Tired and sadly

  C. Tiredly and sad D. Tiredly and sadly

  【解析】選A。句意: 又累又難過, 那個司機看著廣袤的沙漠, 不知道他能否安全通過。此處為形容詞短語作狀語。

  10. ***2015·湘潭模擬***—Has Peter started out? He said he would go hiking with us.

  —He ________ . He is a man of his word.

  A. could have started B. must have started

  C. could start D. must start

  【解析】選B。句意: ——Peter已經出發了嗎? 他說他會與我們一起去遠足。——他肯定已經出發了。他是一個信守諾言的人。根據“He is a man of his word. ”可知, 答話人猜測Peter肯定已經動身了。must have done表示對過去情況的肯定猜測, 符合語境。


  1. ***2015·無錫模擬***From the ________ expression on the manager’s face, I knew he was ________ about the plan I worked out, so I had to make some changes.

  A. puzzling; puzzling    B. puzzling; puzzled

  C. puzzled; puzzling D. puzzled; puzzled

  【解析】選D。句意: 從經理臉上困惑的表情, 我明白他對我制訂的計劃感到很困惑, 所以我不得不做一些修改。表情是“困惑的”, 他感到“困惑”, 兩個空都應填puzzled, 故選D。

  2. ***2015·徐州模擬***As is known to us all, it was from the role of “Xu Sanduo” that Wang Baoqiang’s acting career ________ .

  A. took up B. took in

  C. took off D. took down

  【解析】選C。考查動詞短語。句意: 眾所周知, 王寶強的演藝事業正是從“許三多”這一角色開始騰飛的。take up拿起, 接受, 開始從事, 繼續, 佔據; take in接受, 理解, 包括, 欺騙; take off脫掉, 起飛, ***事業***騰飛; take down取下, 記下, 拆卸。

  3. ***2015·益陽模擬***Grandpa was not shocked at the news. Rarely ________ him so quiet.

  A. do I see B. had I seen

  C. I had seen D. I saw

  【解析】選B。rarely是否定副詞, 位於句首句子要部分倒裝; 從was這一過去時態可知事情發生在過去, 因此選B。

  4. ***2015·江淮十校模擬***When word came ________ Zhang Bichen became the winner of The Voice of China, 2014, her fans, greatly excited, stood up cheering for her.

  A. that   B. what   C. which   D. where

  【解析】選A。句意: 當張碧晨成為2014年度《中國好聲音》冠軍的這個訊息傳來時, 她的粉絲非常激動地站起來向她歡呼。that引導的同位語從句解釋名詞word的內容。從句句子完整, 因此用that。



  ***2015·啟東模擬***We wonder if he has given any explanation to the question ________ he came here for the other day.

  A. what B. how C. that D. why

  【解析】選A。考查同位語從句。句意: 我們想知道他是否對他前幾天為什麼來這裡這個問題做出瞭解釋。介詞for後缺賓語用what, 相當於why he came here the other day。

  5. Some insects ________ the colour of their surroundings to protect themselves.

  A. take in B. take off

  C. take on D. take out

  【解析】選C。考查短語辨析。句意: 有些昆蟲呈現它們周圍環境的顏色來保護自己。take in吸收, 收留, 欺騙; take off脫下, 起飛, 騰飛; take on呈現; take out拿出。

  6. ***2015·徐州模擬*** ________ a certain doubt among the workers as to the necessity of doing the work.

  A. It existed B. There existed

  C. There had D. It had

  【解析】選B。考查倒裝句。句意: 對於做這份工作的必要性, 工人們存在一定的疑惑。There exists/existed. . . “有; 存在”相當於There be. . . 結構, 屬於完全倒裝。

  7. ***2015·合肥模擬***With the good care taken by doctors and nurses, many patients are beginning to ________ .

  A. pick out B. turn up

  C. turn out D. pick up

  【解析】選D。考查短語動詞。句意: 因為有醫生和護士們的精心照料, 很多病人都處於康復當中。pick up此處意為“***健康***恢復”; pick out挑出, 辨認出; turn up調大, 出現; turn out結果, 結果證明是。

  8. ***2015·淮安模擬***The sports meeting, originally ________ be held last Friday, was finally delayed because of the bad weather.

  A. due to B. thanks to

  C. owing to D. according to

  【解析】選A。考查be due to do sth. “預期做某事”。句意: 原定於上週五舉行的運動會, 最終因天氣不好而推遲了。在本句中該結構作定語, 相當於一個非限制性定語從句which was originally due to be held last Friday, 修飾the sports meeting。

  9. ***2015·南通模擬*** ________ that the government can lead them out of the trouble, people are optimistic about the future of the country.

  A. Convincing B. Convinced

  C. To convince D. Having convinced

  【解析】選B。考查非謂語動詞。句意: 由於人們確信政府會領導他們走出困境, 所以人們對國家的未來感到很樂觀。convince與邏輯主語people之間是被動關係。


  We finally managed to make the customers ________ of the quality of the vehicle.

  A. to convince B. convincingC. convince D. convinced【解析】選D。句意: 我們最終讓顧客相信了車輛的質量有保證。convinced確信的, 深信的。make sb. convinced of sth. 使某人相信某事。

  10. ***2015·南京模擬***Yesterday I met a colleague of mine, but her name ________ from my mind.

  A. forgot B. escaped C. fled D. left

  【解析】選B。句意: 昨天我遇見了我的一個同事, 但是我忘記了她的名字。forget的賓語應該是name; escape表示“忘記”時, 主語是忘記的“事情”。flee逃跑; leave表示把東西落在了某個地方。

  11. The experiment shows that proper amounts of exercise, if ________ regularly, can improve our health.

  A. being carried out B. carrying out

  C. carried out D. to carry out

  【解析】選C。考查狀語從句的省略用法。完整的形式為“if they are carried out regularly”。在if, unless, although, when, while等狀語從句中, 當從句主語和主句主語一致且從句中含有系動詞be時, 可以將從句的主語和be動詞省略。

  12. ***2015·蘇州模擬***—Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature.

  —He certainly ________ that honor, for his works are so popular.

  A. reserves B. deserves

  C. observes D. conserves

  【解析】選B。考查動詞辨析。第二句句意: 他當然應得那項榮譽, 因為他的作品很受歡迎。deserve應受, 值得, 應得, 符合題意。reserve保留, 預訂; observe觀察, 注意到; conserve保護, 儲存。

  13. ***2015·常州模擬***—O’Neal works hard.

  —So he does. He is often seen ________ heavily before his teammates have arrived at practice.

  A. to be sweated B. sweated

  C. be sweated D. sweating

  【解析】選D。句意: ——奧尼爾很刻苦。——是的, 他很刻苦。有人經常看見他在隊友來訓練前已經大汗淋漓了。此處是see sb. doing sth. 的被動語態, 故選D。

  14. ***2015·揚州模擬***The film, ________ the true story of Red Army General, attracted people’s interest all over the country.

  A. is based on B. is on the base of

  C. which is the base for D. based upon

  【解析】選D。考查非謂語動詞作定語的用法。根據base的結構, 排除B、C兩項。由於attracted為本句的謂語, 因此A項不正確。be based on/upon以……為基礎, 基於……之上。

