
General 更新 2024年06月15日



  閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然後從各題所給的A、B、C或者D 四個選項中選出最佳選項。

  Who designed ***設計*** the first helicopter ***直升飛機***? Who __1__ of the most famous pictures in the world? Who knew more about the human body than most __2__? There is an answer __3__ all these questions --- Leonardo de Vinci ***達芬奇***.

  Leonardo may have been the greatest genius ***天才*** __4__ have ever known. He lived in Italy around the year 1500, but many of his inventions see m modern to us today. For example, one of his notebooks has drawings of a helicopter. Of course, he couldn’t __5__ a helicopter with the things he had. But scientists say his idea would have worked.

  But Leonardo __6__ an inventor. He was one of the greatest artists of his day. By the time he was twenty years old, he was called a master *** 大師*** painter, and as he got older he became __7__ more famous. Sometimes he drew a hand ten different ways __8__ he was ready to paint.

  Many of Leonardo’s wonderful paintings are still with __9__ today. You may know one of his most famous works the __10__ woman known as the Mona Lisa.

  1. A. took B. made C. painted D. invented

  2. A. artists B. doctors C. painters D. pe ople

  3. A. to B. of C. for D. from

  4. A. the scientists B. the artists C. the world D. people

  5. A. draw B. paint C. work D. build

  6. A. was just B. wasn’t just C. wasn’t D. was no longer

  7. A. less B. no C. even D. very

  8. A. before B. after C. because D. when

  9. A. him B. us C. them D. you

  10. A. interesting B. crying C. smiling D. surprising






  3.A。介詞to常表示一一對應的關係,“問題的答案”習慣表達為an answer to a question。

  4.D。達•芬奇應是世人所知道的天才中最偉大的人,the world 一般指每個人,相當於第三人稱單數,故people為正確選項。

  5.D。draw和paint不合文意, work為不及物動詞,不能直接接賓語。在那個時代,達•芬奇所不能做的應 是製造飛機,故選擇build。

  6.B。這一句起承上啟下的作用,意為“達•芬奇不僅僅是一名發明家”,故選擇 wasn’t just。




  10.C。達•芬奇的名作━━Mona Lisa以畫中人物面部神祕的微笑而名揚天下,故選smiling。


  閱讀下面短文,掌握其大意,然後從各題所給的A、B、C或者D 四個選項中選出最佳選項。

  There was once a millionaire who loved money than anything else in the world. He didn’t know exactly how much he had, so he took on a little girl to __1__ all his money for him.

  It __2__ the little girl six days to count all the money. When she told the millionaire that he had forty-two __3__ dollars, he was __4__ with joy and asked, “ How much __5__ do you want?” He thought that __6__ she was only a child, he could __7__ her into taking a very small amount of money.

  The girl said, “well, I worked for six days, so I th ink you __8__ pay me for six days. Give me two pennies for the first day. Each day after that, just give me the amount you give me the day before, multiplied by itself.

  The __9__ thought that in this __10__ he would only have to give her a __11__ dollars. What a __12__ little girl! So immediately, he __13__ his lawyer sign up the contract, fearing that she would change her __14__ .

  On the first day the millionaire paid her two pennies, and on the second day, two pennies times two pennies, or four pennies.

  Ea ch day after that, he gave her __15__ number of pennies he had given her the day before, multiplied by itself. And by the sixth day, the foolish millionaire had to give the clever little girl all his money.

  1. A. bring B. count C. send D. hide

  2. A. had B. needed C. got D. took

  3. A. million B. dozen C. thousand D. hundred

  4. A. pride B. wild C. surprised D. moved

  5. A. dollars B. number C. time D. pay

  6. A. as if B. though C. if D. because

  7. A. warn B. advise C. cheat D. set

  8. A. could B. would C. should D. might

  9. A. girl B. millionaire C. two D. people

  10. A. measure B. way C. point D. means

  11. A. few B. little C. less D. much

  12. A. nice B. clever C. fine D. foolish

  13. A. ordered B. asked C. had D. persuaded

  14. A. mind B. heart C. word D. plan

  15. A. good B. great C. a D. the





  2.D。根據it takes sb. some time to do sth.結構判斷答案用D。


  4.B。be wild with joy意為“欣喜若狂”,表示the man當時的心情。

  5.D。pay在此指“需要支付的錢”,也就是“工錢”。由於前面是how much,所以不能用dollars。


  7.C。由the man 的心理及前面的only a child推知,此時想“欺騙”那個女孩。



  10.B。in this way為固定短語。



  13.C。have sb. do sth.意為“讓某人做某事”。其餘三詞後面的動詞不定式都要加to。

  14.A。change one’s mind意為“改變主意”。

  15.D。the number of表示“……的數目”,而a number of表示“許多……”。
