
General 更新 2024年06月15日



  nts do less homework now. Usually it ________ before 9 o’clock in the evening.***

  A. finishes B. finished C. is finished D. was finished

  2.山東青島 Children should ______ to be honest from a young age.

  A.educate B.be educated C. punish D. be punished

  3.山東泰安 More chances _______ for students to learn from each other if working in groups.

  A. provide B. are provided C. provided D. will provide

  4.四川成都 You are not supposed to go to a family party unless you _____to in the USA.

  A.are not invited B.are invited C.will be invited

  5.江西 I plan to build an unusual house. It ______ out of old things.

  A.is built B.has built C.was built D.will be built

  6.山東臨沂 Now all Chinese couple ______to have two children.

  A. allow B.allowed C.are allowed D.were allowed

  7.湖南長沙 Now smart phones ______in many ways in our daily life.

  A.are used B.is used C.are using

  8.福建福州----When is the 31th Olympic Games ?

  ----It ______in Rio de Janerio of Brazil in August ,2016.

  A.held B.is held C.will be held

  9.湖南株洲 Artemisinin____by Tu Youyou, a great Chinese scientist.

  A.was invented B.invented C.has invented

  10.南京It’s reported that Jiangsu Grand Theater _____in September this year.

  Apletes B.is completed C.will complete D.will be completed

  11.天津 Paper _____first _____ about 2,000 years ago in China.

  A.is, creating B.is created C.has, created D.was created

  12.山東菏澤When you go abroad, you’ll find so many products in local shops ______ in China.

  A.make B.have made C.are made

  13.四川達州---Where would you like to go on vacation this summer ?

  ----Brazil. Because the 31st Rio Olympic Games _____ there.

  A.will be held B.will hold C.will be happened D.are held

  14.山東威海----There aren’t any libraries in our town, are there ?

  ----No, but it is said one _____ next year.

  A.will be built B.is built C.will build

  15. 重慶B卷 --- Mom, where is my model plane?

  --- Oh, it ______ to Jenny yesterday.

  A. is lent B. lends C. was lent D. Lent

  16.安徽 When the baby dog _____, it was very hungry. So we gave it some food.

  A.is found B.was found C.has been found D.will be found

  17.四川廣安---You speak Chinese very well, Sam.

  ----Thanks. Chinese is very popular. It _____ widely in the world.

  A.speak B.is spoke C.was spoken D.is spoken

  18.四川綿陽---Your classroom is so clean.

  ---Of course. It _____ every day.

  A.is cleaned B.was cleaned C.cleans D.cleaned

  19.x疆阜康、米泉---Wow, your hat looks so beautiful .

  ----It _____ by my aunt. She is working in China.

  A.has bought B.had bought C.is bought D.was bought

  20.四川巴中As far as I know, tea plants _____on the sides of mountains.

  A.are growed B.are grown C.grows

  21.四川南充Chinese ______by more and more people around the world.

  A.is spoken B.spoke C.are spoken D.speaks

  22.甘肅武威Mr. Anderson’s car______ last night.

  A.was stolen B.stolen C.stole D.is stolen

  23.江蘇鹽城 In Switzerland , things like glass and plastic ______into different groups and then recycled.

  A.separate B.separated C.are separated D.is separated

  24.湖南郴州-----What happened to Billy?

  ----He ______ because of his drunk--driving.

  A.is caught B.was caught C.has caught.

  25.湖北鄂州 ----As China grows stronger and stronger, Chinese _____ 課件、論文、素材及各類教學資源下載,還有大量而豐富的教學相關資訊!" type="#_x0000_t75" o:spid="_x0000_i1025">in more and more schools out of our country.

  ----That’s true. As a Chinese, I feel very proud.

  A. teaches B. has taught C. is taught D. was taught

  26.北京 A new road near my school next year.

  A. builds B. will build C. is built D. will be built

  27.廣西賀州---The traffic is too heavy. We have to drive slowly.

  ---I think more new roads _____ in our city.

  A.should be built B.should built C.have built D.build

  28.河南We are going to take the high---speed train to Xian tomorrow, so an early arrival at the station _____.

  A.advises B.is advised C.is advising D.was advised

  29.湖北荊門----The 31st Olympic Games will_____ in Rio this year.

  ----Yeah. It’s over 100 years since the first Olympics _____in 1896.

  A.be held, held B.held ,was held C.hold , held D.be held, was held

  30陝西Football _____to our school subjects last year.

  A.is added B.adds C.was added D.added

  31.黑龍江齊齊哈爾Tourists ______because of their impolite behavior in our country from now on.

  A.will punish B.will be punished C.is punishing

  32.湖北咸寧——China’s 23rd Beidou Satellite__________into spac課件、論文、素材及各類教學資源下載,還有大量而豐富的教學相關資訊!" type="#_x0000_t75" o:spid="_x0000_i1026"> e on June 12, 2016.

  ——As Chinese, we are proud of it.

  A.has sent B.is sent C.will send D.was sent

  33.河北 Emily is glad that she _______ for her honesty at the meeting.

  A. praise B. praised C. is praised D. was praised

  34.福建泉州 Last week the old books _____ to raise money for Free the Children.

  A.sold B.are sold C.were sold

  35.湖北黃岡----Tom is always careless with his schoolwork . Could you help with him ?

  ----No problem! I think he _____to think twice before starting.

  A.should be told B.can tell C.should tell D.can be telling

  36.湖南邵陽---A new bridge ______in our hometown last year.

  ----Really? Our hometown must be more beautiful.

  A.is built B.was built C.built

  37.湖南永州The new railway _____ in our hometown in 2013.

  A.was built B.is built C.has built

  38.廣西玉林、防城港、崇左It is reported that UEFA Euro Cup 2016_____in France on June 11. And many Chinese fans went there to watch it.

  A.holds B.was held C.held D.is held

  39.湖北孝感----What’s the meaning of the activity “Let’s Save”?

  ----Paper shouldn’t ________ in everyday life.

  A. waste B. wasted C. be wasted D. is wasted

  40江蘇淮安—Aunt Li, who is the pretty girl in red in the picture?

  —It’s my daughter. The picture ________ 10 years ago.

  A. took  B. is taken   C. has taken   D. was taken

  41.海南 Our plan to clean the park _____ tomorrow.

  A.discuss B.will discuss C.will be discussed

  42.福建漳州If a driver _____ to park in the wrong place, he’ll get a fine.

  A.finds B.is found C.has found

  43.青海西寧--I want to borrow the book, but I don’t know how long it may _______.

  --For two weeks.

  A. borrow B. be borrowed C. keep D. be kept

  44.吉林長春 Chinese New Year ________the spring Festival. People often eat dumplings.

  A. is called B. was called C. calls D. called

  45.福建廈門----These days, teenagers often have to do what they _____to .

  ----It’s not good for their independence .They need to think on their own.

  A.tell B.are telling C.are told

  46.吉林 Rice ______by hand in many countries , such as China and India.

  A.grows B.is grown C.grew

  47.貴州六盤水Tu Youyou is the first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize in Medicine, she _____ by more people nowadays.

  A.know B.knows C.is known D.was known

  48.遼寧丹東With the development of China, Chinese _____by a large number of people in the world.

  A.speaks B.is spoken C.speak D.is speaking

  49.湖南張家界----Please come back earlier, honey!

  -----I’m not a child. I should ______ what to do.

  A.be told B.not be told C.tell

  50.黑龍江大慶Smart phones _____ in the classroom.

  A.aren’t allowed B.aren’t allowing C.allow D.is allowed

  51.寧夏----Can I move into the new room now ?

  ----No, you can’t. It ______soon.

  A.is painted B.will paint C.will be painted D.was painted


  1---5:CBBBD ; 6---10:CACAD ; 11--15:DCAAC ; 16---20: BDADB; 21--25:AACBC ; 26---30: DABAC; 31---35:BDDCA ; 36---40:BABCD ; 41---45: CBDAC; 46---51:BCBBAC .
