
General 更新 2024年06月01日

  不知道大家有沒有在學校裡度過聖誕節呢?下面是小編為大家精心準備了《學校聖誕節作文英語》,希望對大家有所 幫助


  In the morning, as soon as I entered the classroom, several of my classmates said, "there are some sugar in your desk." I said, "sugar? I don't know." I quickly ran to the desk, and opened the desk to see: wow! There are two beautiful candies, one is the black chocolate, one is the red paper of the beef sugar, a look makes my mouth water, however, I still endure the patience, saving for lunch. Later, lu teacher back to us to see a letter of Santa Claus, the letter said: "two ***2*** class of kid, you all received the candy, I sent you two of the children can have a clean the table sugar, the table dirty children only get a candy. I wish you a merry Christmas! This Christmas is really fun!

  早晨,我一進教室,幾個同學就圍著我七嘴八舌地說:“你的課桌裡有幾顆糖。”我說:“有糖?我不知道呀。”我飛快地跑到課桌前,掀開課桌一看:哇!真的有兩顆漂亮的糖果,一顆是黑乎乎的朱古力,一顆是包著紅紙的牛肉糖,一看就讓我口水直流,不過,我還是忍了忍,留著中午吃。 後來,呂老師還給我們一封聖誕老人寫的信,信上說:“二***2***班的小朋友,你們都收到了我送給你們的糖果了吧,桌子整潔的小朋友可以有兩顆糖,桌子髒亂的小朋友只能得到一顆糖。祝你們聖誕快樂!” 這個聖誕節真有趣!


  Today is Christmas day, early in the morning I cheerfully carrying bag, hands still carrying a big bag of gifts and props to school, because the school this afternoon to hold the annual Christmas activities and fancy dress party. In the morning, we had no intention of the class, the students were all excited, unable to resist the excitement, quietly began to give gifts to each other. Mr. Zhu also entertained us with all kinds of masks and laughed in the classroom. At noon, the school specially prepared western food for us. In the afternoon, we split into three and a half hours, and in the first half hour we watched the wonderful programs for all the teachers and students. 1 to 3 second half an hour every grade class on the playground jump ballroom dancing, 4 to 6 class in their class activities, is the most interesting part of lucky draw, I take out to 6, and we also graffiti on the blackboard. The last one and a half hours are the rest of the class dancing in the playground. It's fun. Some of the students dressed up as monsters, some dressed as conan, some dressed as spider-man, and others dressed as angels. Angels are my favorite characters. After school, I watched the students holding a bunch of presents and leaving school.

  今天是聖誕節,清早我高高興興地揹著書包,手裡還拎著一大袋禮物和道具去學校,因為今天下午學校要舉行一年一度的聖誕節活動和化裝舞會。上午,我們已無心上課,同學們個個興奮不已,按捺不住激動的心情,都悄悄地開始互相贈送禮物了。朱老師也開心地帶上各種各樣的面具逗我們笑,教室裡一片歡聲笑語。中午,學校特地為我們準備了西餐,大家吃得狼吞虎嚥,津津有味。下午,我們分成三個半小時活動,第一個半小時我們收看學校為所有師生準備的精彩節目;第二個半小時所有年級的1到3班在操場上跳集體舞,4到6班在各自的班級裡開展活動,最有趣的環節是抽獎,我抽到了6號,我們還在黑板上塗鴉。最後一個半小時是剩下的班級在操場上跳集體舞,可有意思了。同學們有的裝扮成魔鬼,有的裝扮成柯南,有的裝扮成蜘蛛俠,還有的裝扮成天使,天使是我最喜歡的角色。 放學了,就看著同學們抱著一大堆禮物,離開學校。


  Christmas Day  Most westerners always celebrate Christmas Day as their major festival,in order to memorialize Jesus.During that time,they always have several days off,so they can enjoy this festival with all their hearts.The children often get together with their friends.The adults are busy with decorating their houses.They also send the postcards with their best wishes to each other.In the streets,there are so many Fathers Christmas sending presents to the passers-by.And everything is on a discount in the supermarkets.Thus the supermarkets are the busiest places.  In the evening,the families usually have pudding,sandwiches,apple pies and some other desserts for dinner.After supper,the families always sing and dance around the Christmas tree.Sometimes,they also go to church.Before going to bed,the children often hang up their stockings beside their bed,so that Father Christmas will fill them with presents.It is said that Father Christmas always drives a deer to the human world and entering into each house from the chimney.Now the children no longer believe in Father Christmas,but they still hang up their stockings,because their parents will fill them with presents.

  聖誕節,為了紀念耶穌大部分西方人都慶祝聖誕節作為他們的主要節日.在這段時間裡,他們總是有好幾天假,所以他們可以全身心的享受這個節日.小孩們經常與他們的朋友聚在一起.大人都忙著裝飾他們的房子.他們還互相贈送明信片以及他們對彼此的祝福.在街上,有很多聖誕老人在派送禮物給路人.超市裡面的所有東西都在打折.所以,超市是最忙的地方. 晚上,家裡面通常都有吃布丁,三明治,蘋果派還有一些其它的甜點作為晚餐.晚飯後,家人們總是圍著聖誕樹唱歌跳舞.有時,他們還會去教堂.睡覺前,孩子們常常會把長統襪掛在床邊,這樣聖誕老人就會用禮物把它填滿了.據說聖誕老人總是騎著一隻鹿到人類,之後從煙囪進入每個房子.現在的孩子不再相信聖誕老人的故事了,但他們仍然會掛上他們的襪子,因為他們的父母會用禮物把它填滿.
