
General 更新 2024年06月03日





  1.It's necessary for us to learn English well.

  2.Who helped you repair the car?

  3.British Museum is one of the most_popular museums in London.

  4.The teacher punished the noisy children by making them stay after school yesterday.

  5.I can't find my missing cat.Could you help me,Tom?


  Dear Annie,

  Everyone thinks I am so lucky to have parents who are always 6.spending***度過*** their time with me.I don't feel that way,though.Mum and dad have made many 7.rules***規則*** at home.For example,they don't allow me to have fun with friends on weekends.8.Instead***代替***,I have to stay at home,busy with endless 9.homework***家庭作業***.They are watching over me all the time.I want to 10.join***加入*** the after-class activities I'm interested in,and not the ones they think are 11.useful***有用的***,but I have to obey them.Can you tell me what I should do?


  Dear Tom,

  Thank you for your message.It 12.seems***似乎*** that your parents want to protect you,though you may feel uncomfortable sometimes.Why don't you have an 13.honest***誠實的*** chat with them?Show your parents that you are old enough to take 14.care***照料*** of yourself and make your own decision.Express your feelings to them.Then,work 15.together***一起*** to reach an agreement.Be patient,and I'm sure things will be better from now on.




  Betty and I share birthdays on the __16__ day,so we plan our birthday party together.

  While we were planning,my mom came and asked:“Don't forget __17__***invite*** John.” John came to our class this term,but he is getting better grades in math than anyone else.“Mom,he wears the same __18__ to school every day.He won't have money for a suit.” Mom said nothing.

  Later,Mom gave me a shopping card and said,“Why __19__ give this to John?” But how?We didn't want to make John embarrassed***尷尬的***.We discussed it for a long time.Finally,Betty and I had a good idea.

  __20__ the day of our party,John arrived,still in the same pants as usual.Before __21__ ***eat*** the birthday cake,Betty said in a loud __22__,“Now it's time for the great prize game.” It was a math game.

  __23__***no*** of us were surprised when John came __24__ with the right answer first and got the shopping card.

  Everything went __25__ ***good*** as we planned.John wore a new pair of pants the next week.He felt happy.So did we.

  16.same 17.to_invite 18.pants 19.not

  20.On 21.eating 22.voice 23.None

  24.up 25.well


  Hearing is very important to all of us.We can __26__ beautiful music,nice songs of birds,the laughter of people or other different kinds of __27__ in the world with our ears.__28__ we must try to protect our ears.The following will tell you __29__ protect ears.

  Listening to __30__ music a lot can be bad for ears,__31__ when headphones ***耳機*** are used.So __32__ the volume***音量***when you're wearing headphones or try not to wear headphones.You should give your ears a rest if you like wearing headphones.

  Before swimming,remember __33__ earplugs***耳塞*** into your ears or wear a swim hat to stop water __34__ into your ears.

  If you are going to a concert,wear earplugs to protect your ears __35__ the terrible music!__36__,special earplugs can be made for you if you go to concerts a lot or if you are a musician yourself.

  See a doctor if your ears __37__.__38__ some medicine if the doctor asks you to do so.__39__ the advice above now and you won't be saying “what?” when you are getting __40__.

  *** B ***26.A.listen  B.hear  C.listening D.hear of

  *** A ***27.A.sounds B.noise C.voices D.barks

  *** C ***28.A.Because B.Although

  C.So D.But

  *** D ***29.A.what B.how C.what to D.how to

  *** A ***30.A.loud B.aloud C.loudly D.quiet

  *** D ***31.A.specially B.especial

  C.special D.especially

  *** C ***32.A.turn on B.turn off

  C.turn down D.turn up

  *** B ***33.A.put B.to put

  C.putting D.to putting

  *** D ***34.A.get B.to get

  C.with getting D.from getting

  *** B ***35.A.for B.from C.with D.at

  *** A ***36.A.In fact B.In short

  C.In general D.In a word

  *** D ***37.A.break B.sick C.ill D.hurt

  *** C ***38.A.Drink B.Eat C.Take D.Have

  *** C ***39.A.Listen B.Hear C.Follow D.Fetch

  *** B ***40.A.young B.old C.sick D.tired

