比賽的英文 比賽用英語怎麼說?
race n.速度比賽;競賽;急流;溝槽;管道;通道;人種;種族;民族;姜根
game n.遊戲;運動;電腦遊戲;比賽;活動;事務;獵物;把戲;運動會
match n.比賽;對手;敵手;相配的人;配得上的人;火柴;搭配;配合;配對;婚姻
contest n.競賽;比賽;爭論;衝突;爭辯;爭執;政治職位的競爭
tournament n.比賽;錦標賽;聯賽;騎士馬上比武大會;閱兵式
常用 權威
1. 掰腕子比賽
arm-wrestling (competition)
2. 象棋比賽
Chinese chess tournament
3. 主場比賽
home match; home game
4. 結束比賽
close a match
5. 烹飪比賽
6. 擊劍比賽
fencing tournament
7. 游泳比賽
swimming contest
8. 單項比賽
individual competition
9. 比賽場館
competition gymnasiums and stadiums/venues
10. 射擊比賽
shooting match
11. 室內比賽
indoor game
12. 釣魚比賽
angling contest
13. 板球比賽
cricket match
14. 健美比賽
bodybuilding contest
15. 巡迴比賽
tour match
16. 卡丁車比賽
17. 溜冰比賽
skating competition
18. 男雙比賽
men's doubles match
19. 男團比賽
men's team match
20. 女足比賽
women's soccer match
1. 我們不得不取消我們的足球比賽。
We had to cancel our football match.
2. 我昨天贏得了男子100米比賽!
I won the men's 100—metre race yesterday!
3. 你現在要寫一份組織比賽的提案。
You are now to write a proposal for organizing the contest.
4. 丹認為他可能不會參加全國比賽。
Dan thought perhaps he would not attend the national competition.
5. 因為它位於每年舉行的比賽中間。
Because it is located in the middle of a race that takes place every year.
6. 他很高興,因為他贏得了比賽。
He was happy because he won the race.
7. 保羅和喬成功地完成了皮划艇比賽。
Paul and Joe successfully finished their kayaking.
8. 我今晚會看日本對波蘭的比賽。
I'll watch the match between Japan and Poland tonight.
9. 我在英語演講比賽中獲得了一等獎。
I've got the first prize in the English speech contest.
10. 他們把餡餅當成比賽用的暖胃燃料。
They consume the pies as stomach warming race fuel.
歌曲:比賽(《功夫足球》主題曲) 歌手:張衛健 發行時間:2004年
動詞 have a contest/match; race
1. 他騎腳踏車與汽車比賽。
He raced his bicycle against the motorcar.
2. 咱們比賽看誰跑得快。
Let's have a contest and see who runs faster.
3. 比賽籃球/排球
have a basketball/volleyball match
名詞 match; contest; tournament
1. 這場比賽大局已定。
The game is now irreversible.
2. 比賽在白天進行。
The game was played during daytime.
3. 比賽以平局結束。
The game/match ended in a tie.
4. 比賽雙方勢均力敵。
The match was finely balanced.
5. 爭奪第三名的比賽
third place play-off
6. 選美比賽
beauty contest
7. 籃球/網球比賽
basketball/tennis match
8. 激動人心的比賽
thrilling game/match
9. 拔河/朗誦/演講/作文比賽
tug-of-war/recitation/speech/composition contest
10. 中斷比賽
break off the match
11. 退出比賽
pull out from/withdraw from an event
12. 推遲比賽
postpone a contest/match
13. 輸掉比賽
lose the game/match
14. 取消比賽
call off a contest/match
15. 評判比賽
judge a contest/game; referee/umpire a game
16. 舉行比賽
have/hold a contest/match; hold a game
17. 觀看比賽
watch a contest/game/match
18. 發起比賽
put forward/launch/open a competition
19. 參加比賽
enter a competition; take part in a contest/match
20. 安排比賽
set up/arrange a match (between)
21. 一場比賽
a match/game