死的英文 死用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2024-06-15


die v.死;死亡;渴望;非常想要;達到性高潮;滅;滅絕;相繼死去;被遺忘;為…捐軀

to the death 到死為止

desperately adv.絕望地;極度地

unyielding adj.壓不垮的;堅挺的;硬的;結實的;不屈從的;堅定的

stubborn adj.頑固的;執拗的;倔強的;難移動的;難去除的;難治癒的

fixed adj.固定好的;縛牢的;綁緊的;事先確定而不能更改的;既定的;事先安排好結果的;…方面的狀況;僵硬的;固執的;僵化的

rigid adj.不彎曲的;堅硬的;定型的;固定的;刻板的;僵硬的;僵化的;一成不變的;固執僵化的

inflexible adj.堅定不移的;不屈不撓的;不能彎曲的;堅硬的;無法改變的;不變通的

unalterable adj.不可改變的;固定不變的

irreconcilable adj.不能協調的;矛盾的;不可調和的;不相容的;不能和解的

implacable adj.難平息的;不能緩和的;不饒恕的;不寬容的;無情的;不可阻擋的

deadly adj.致死的;致命的;乏味的;惡狠狠的;充滿仇恨的;完全的;極度地;極準的;有效的;巧妙的

impassable adj.不能通行的;不可逾越的

closed adj.關閉的;閉合的;保守的;歇業的;對外封閉的;閉關自守的;限於某些人的;不是對所有人都開放的;並非人人可得的;守舊的

dogmatic adj.教條的;武斷的

extreme adj.極大的;極度的;最外的;最遠的;不尋常的;例外的;極端嚴厲(或嚴重)的;極端的;偏激的

unusual adj.不平常的;少有的;與眾不同的;獨特的

terrible adj.可怖的;駭人的;可怕的;恐怖的;非常糟糕的;很差勁的;非常令人不快的;極不在行的;令人討厭的;糟透的

常用 權威



1. 死水潭

stagnant pond

2. 無幾死

die soon afterwards

3. 死產率

stillbirth rate

4. 心眼兒死

be dull-witted and inflexible

5. 死無遺恨

die without regrets

6. 捻死蝨子

crush a louse

7. 忙死了

be terribly busy

8. 幾乎被煙嗆死

be almost suffocated by smoke

9. 寧可站著死,絕不跪著生

would die on one's feet rather than live on one's knees


1. 他後,他的畫漲到了很高的價格。

His pictures climbed to high prices after his death.

2. 患有抑鬱的媽媽生的孩子得更早。

Kids of depressed moms end up dying younger.

3. 她就像以前一樣,過著魚般的生活。

And she just stayed the way she used to be, living like a dead fish.

4. 如果不是她兒子,她可能就在浴缸裡了。

If not her son, she probably would have died right there in her bathtub.

5. 他希望這些東西能在他後保護他的墳墓。

These, he hoped, would protect his tomb after his death.

6. 所有村民都於疾病。

All of the villagers had died from an illness.

7. 但是沒有陽光和良好的土壤,這棵樹很快就了。

But without sunlight and good soil, the tree soon died.

8. 我想知道如果有一天我了,他們是否會想念我。

I wondered whether they would miss me if I died some day.

9. 要計算出目前有多少庫存被浪費掉是極其困難的。

It is incredibly difficult to calculate how much dead stock currently goes to waste.

10. 結果,由於生活條件的改變,幾乎所有的蘇鐵都了。

As a result, nearly all these cycads die because the living conditions have changed.






動詞 die; be dead

1. 他死後留下一子一女。

He died leaving behind a son and a daughter. / He was survived by a son and a daughter.

2. 他們一死便一了百了。

Death relieved them of their troubles.

3. 太陽已曬死了大部分莊稼。

The sun had killed most of the crops.

4. 人皆有一死。

Death comes to all men.

5. 安詳/痛苦地死去

die a peaceful/painful death

6. 酗酒致死

drink oneself to death

7. 倖免於死

narrowly/barely escape death

8. 被人打/踢死

be beaten/kicked to death

9. 死在某人的手裡

receive death at sb's hand

10. 死於獄中

die in prison; end one's days in prison

11. 死於心臟病

die from heart attack

12. 死得很慘

die miserably; die the death of a dog; die a cruel death

13. 怕死

fear death

14. 凍死

die of cold; be frozen to death

副詞 to the death; desperately

1. 死戰

fight to the death; carry on a desperate fight

形詞 unyielding; stubborn

1. 死不放手

hold/hang on like grim death

形詞 fixed; rigid; inflexible; unalterable

1. 關於這一點我們很難說死。

It is hard for us to speak decisively on it.

2. 把日期定死

fix a precise date

形詞 irreconcilable; implacable; deadly

形詞 impassable; closed

形詞 rigid; inflexible; dogmatic

形詞 extreme; unusual; terrible

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