中號的英文 中號用英語怎麼說?
medium/middle size
常用 權威
1. 毛線套衫有小號、中號和大號。
The jumper comes in small, medium, and large sizes.
2. 也許我應該試試大號或者中號的。
Maybe I should try large or medium.
3. 把米放進陶罐裡或者中號的罐子裡.
Put the rice in a clay pot or a medium - sized pot.
4. 馬丁:中號
Martin: A medium one would be perfect. Thank you.
5. 中號針用來縫製永久性的手縫針跡.
Medium needles are used for permanent hand stitching.
6. 很抱歉,這些帽子只有中號的。
I'm sorry, these hats come in only one size-medium.
7. 我要一個中號爆米花和一個大杯可樂。
I’d like a medium popcorn and large Coke.
8. 那頂藍色的帽子就是中號的。
Adj. The blue cap is a medium size.
9. 請給我一個五號中號的套餐。
I'd like a No. 5 meal please. Medium-sized.
10. 你要小號的床還是中號的床?
Would you like a twin bed or a queen size?
名詞 medium/middle size
1. 中號T恤衫
middle-sized/medium-sized T-shirt