組員的英文 組員用英語怎麼說?
member of a group
1. 告訴所有組員張開雙臂裝作鳥。
Tell the whole group to make like a bird by putting their arms out.
2. 專題內容應和組員的人數成比例。
The expected accomplishments of the team scale linearly with the number of students.
3. 組員:這兒就是大豐的麋鹿自然保護區.
This is the Dafeng Elk Nature Reserve.
4. 在開始,兩個年輕組員競爭協調者角色。
At the beginning, the two young team members competed to be facilitator.
5. 亨利:那聽起來不錯。我會告知其他組員。
Henry:That sounds good. I'll let the rest of the team know.
6. 從何時起抓住重案犯被認為是妨礙組員行動?
Since when is capturing a felon considered interference?
7. 趕上小修道院組員!
Catching up with the Priory crew!
8. COPD 處理經常與許多多學科的組員有關;
COPD treatment frequently involves a number of multidisciplinary team members;
9. 對組員的告誡如下.
With the caveat about group participation described below.
10. 作為應急反應團隊的組員參與並幫助安排演習.
Member of the site Emergency Response Team participating in and helping arrange drills.