









原料:剩臘肉 捲心菜

調料:食用油 幹辣椒 大蒜 生薑 料酒 白胡椒粉 香油























春節傳說“福”字為何倒貼The Chinesecharacter “fu” means good fortune and happiness, and during SpringFestival virtually every family would paste it upside down on theirdoors in the hope that the word could bring blessings to theirfamilies. As to why “fu” should be placed upside down there arethree interpretations.


The first interpretation has thepractice of pasting “fu” during Spring Festival originate in JiangZiya of the Zhou Dynasty (11th Century-256 B.C。). When Jiang Ziyawas made a god, his wife demanded to be made a goddess. “After Imarried you I was always in poverty in my life,” Lord Jiang said.“It seems you are destined to be poor. So let me appoint you as theGoddess of Poverty.”


No knowing what being the Goddessof Poverty held in store for her, his wife was nevertheless happyabout becoming a goddess. Cheerfully, she asked, “Now that I'm theGoddess of Poverty, where shall be my domain?” Jiang replied, “Youare off limits wherever there is good fortune” When the residentsgot word of Jiang's instruction, they wrote the character “fu” onpaper and pasted it on the doors and windows of their houses tokeep the Goddess of Poverty away. Thus pasting “fu” during theSpring Festival became a Chinese tradition.

雖然不知道‘窮神’意味著什麼,他的妻子還是很高興能被封神。她高興地問道:“既然我已經被封為‘窮神’,那我該管轄哪裡呢?”姜子牙答道:“有好運的地方你都禁止踏入。”居民們聽到姜子牙的指示,就在紙上寫下“福”字貼在家裡的窗戶上以趕走“窮神”。久而久之,春節貼“福”字就成了一種傳統。The second interpretation ascribesthe practice to Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the MingDynasty. One year, on the 15th of the first lunar month, Zhu wentincognito on a fact-finding inspection tour. When he arrived at atown he saw people huddle together and watch a painting that pokedfun at women of west Anhui refusing to have their feet bound byfeaturing a bare-footed woman holding a large watermelon in herarms.


The emperor, however, misconstruedthe meaning of the painting, thinking that people were laughing athis wife, Empress Ma. Who came exactly from west Anhui. Returningto his palace he sent some soldiers to look into the matter. Heparticularly wanted to know who were those people watched andcommented on the painting, and who was the painter.


He also asked the soldiers topaste “fu” on the doors of those who did not join in the crowd. Twodays later, another team of soldiers arrived in town to arrestpeople from the houses whose doors were not marked with “fu” oncharges of scoffing at the queen. Since then the Chinese have beenpasting “fu” on the doors of their houses to shuntrouble.


The third interpretationattributes the practice to Fu Jin, the Princes of Gong of the QingDynasty. Once, on the lunar New Year's Eve, the butler of themansion of the Prince of Gong wanted to curry favor with hismaster.


He followed past practice and hadseveral large “fu” written and pasted on the front gates of thewarehouse and the mansion. One of the men sent to do the pastingwas illiterate and put the character upside down on the front gateof the mansion. Enraged, Fu Jin wanted to punish the perpetrator bywhipping him.


The butler, who had the gift ofthe gab, hastened to go down on his knees and pleaded: “Your humbleservant often heard people say that Your Excellency is a man oflongevity and great fortune. Indeed, great fortune did arrivetoday; it is a good sign。” Fu Jin was convinced. “This is why thepassers-by were saying that great fortune had arrived in themansion of the Princess of Gong,” she thought, “Once an auspicioussaying is repeated for a thousand times, my wealth could increaseby 10,000 taels of gold and silver.”


She then awarded the butler andthe servant who pasted the paper upside down fifty taels of silver.Since then the practice of pasting “fu” upside down during SpringFestival has become a tradition followed by both imperialaristocrats and commoners.



 Everything To Me Liz Phair I bet it makes you laughWatching me work so hard to reach youYou never gave a damnAbout all of those things I did to please youAll that you wanted, you found somewhere elseAnd nothing could drag you away from yourselfDo you really know me at all?Would you take the time to catch me if I fall?Are you ever gonna be that real to me?Everything to meLucky I've been through hellBackroads and shortcuts I know them wellBaby just stick with meWe'll make it together, just wait and seeDo you really know me at all?Would you take the time to catch me if I fall?Are you ever gonna be that real to me?Everything to meThe walls they close inThe air it goes outWe're left with nothing but a shadow of doubtNobody talks, no one is hereIt's just you and meDo you really know me at all?Would you take the time to catch me if I fall?Are you ever gonna be that real to me?Everything to meDo you really know me at all?Would you take the time to catch me if I fall?Are you ever gonna be that real to me?Everything to meI bet it makes you laughWatching me work so hard to reach you
