
General 更新 2024年04月27日



  1.[2015·浙江重點中學適應性測試二]________ counts is ________ all those trapped in the building have been rescued.答案:What; that 考查名詞性從句。第一空為主語從句,且從句中缺少主語,故用what;第二空為表語從句,從句中不缺句子成分,也不缺語義,故填that。句意:重要的是被困在樓內的所有人被救了出來。

  2.[2015·福州畢業班質檢]The problem is ________ one less hour of sleep is not equal to an extra hour of achievement.

  答案:that 考查表語從句。從句中不缺少主語和賓語,也不缺少語義,故應填that。句意:少睡一個小時並不等於多做出一個小時的成績。

  3.[2015·北京東城區期末]No one knows for certain how the first Americans arrived in ________ is now the United States.答案:what 考查賓語從句用法。從句中缺少主語,雖漢語理解為“……的地方”,但應用what。句意:沒人確切地知道第一批美國人是如何到達現在的美國的。

  4.[2015·北京海淀區期末]Every Monday, my English teacher would cheerfully ask me ________ my weekend had been.

  答案:how 考查賓語從句。從句中缺少表語,需根據語義確定答案。句意:每週一,我的英語老師總會興致勃勃地問我我的週末過的怎麼樣。

  5.[2015·北京西城區期末]I believe that the world is ________ you think it is.

  答案:what 考查表語從句用法。句中“you think”為插入語,去掉後可使句子結構更簡單。從句中缺少表語。結合句意可知答案為what。句意:我認為世界就是你認為的樣子。

  6.[2015·福建泉州質檢]With piles of work at hand, Jane doubts ________ she can pass the coming driving test.

  答案:whether/if 考查賓語從句的用法。從句中不缺少成分,根據語義可知答案是whether/if。句意:手頭上有一堆堆的工作,Jane懷疑她是否能通過即將到來的駕駛證考試。

  7.[2015·陝西省五校一模]He wrote a long letter ________ he explained what had happened in the accident.

  答案:where 考查定語從句用法。注意要從句式結構分析不同從句的結構。從句中不缺少成分,先行詞letter表地點來對待,故填where。句意:他寫了一封長信,在信中他解釋了在事故中發生的一切。

  8.[2015·浙江六校聯考]Barbie flue refers to the trend ________ young women dramatically change their appearance to make themselves look like human Barbie dolls.

  答案:that 考查同位語從句。從句中對trend進行解釋,且從句中不缺少成分和語義,故應填that。句意:Barbie flue指的是一種潮流——年輕婦女改變自己的外貌使自己看起來像人類芭比娃娃。

  9.[2015·四川德陽二診]If you can be quiet, I'd like to make a comment on ________ China has benefited from the Beijing APEC meeting.

  答案:how 考查賓語從句。從句中不缺少成分,結合語義可知,答案是how。句意:如果你可以靜下來,我想就中國是如何從北京APEC會議中受益的情況進行一下評論。

  10.[2015·北京豐臺區一模]________ online courses can produce good results remains to be seen.

  答案:Whether 考查主語從句。從句中不缺少成分,由句意可知答案是whether。句意:是否網上課程能產生好的結果仍有待於觀察。

  11.[2015·北京東城區一模]Spending a few hours learning about the history and culture of the destination will help tourists understand ________ they're seeing.

  答案:what 考查賓語從句用法。從句中缺少賓語,且指事,故填what。句意:花幾個小時瞭解一下旅遊地的相關歷史和文化有助於遊客理解他們所觀賞的。

  12.[2015·浙江溫州二模]________ you are travelling near or far, we've got tips on saving money and packing smart.

  答案:Whether 考查讓步狀語從句。從句中不缺少成分,且根據句子結構可以判斷此處並不是名詞性從句。又根據從句中“or”可知道答案。句意:無論你或近或遠地去旅遊,我們都會得到些關於節約和打包的技巧。

  13.[2015·北京石景山一模]________ impresses the readers most is the author's humor and wisdom.答案:What 考查主語從句用法。從句中缺少主語,且指事,故填what。句意:給讀者留下印象最深的是作者的幽默和智慧。

  14.[2015·黑龍江雙鴨山一中期末]Witnesses described ________ Daly had little or no chance of stopping behind the still traffic.

  答案:that 考查賓語從句的用法。從句中不缺少成分,結合語義可以發現此處填that。句意:目擊者描述說Daly幾乎沒機會把車停到靜止的車後面。

  15.[2015·吉林實驗中學三模]Then she asked me ________ the restaurant was on the fifth floor. I told her I was going to the restaurant myself.

  答案:whether/if 考查賓語從句用法。從句中不缺句子成分,結合語義可知此句中缺少語義,故填whether/if。句意:接下來她問我餐廳是否在5樓,我告訴她我自己也要去餐廳。

  Part Ⅱ.語篇語法填空重點考查名詞性從句

  I am going to tell you an unbelievable thing __1__ happened in my restaurant today.

  This afternoon a poorly­dressed gentleman came into my restaurant.Nobody knew __2__ he was.We wondered __3__ he was so hungry.We were surprised that he finished two orders of food in a very limited time.We doubted __4__ the man was able to pay the bill.The gentleman asked __5__ we would mind waiting for just a few minutes.Then we were shocked to see __6__ he took out of an envelope—a million pound banknote.

  I asked Mr.Clements __7__ it was genuine.Mr.Clements said it was true because two of this amount had been issued by the Bank of England this year.He thought __8__ the gentleman showed us couldn't be a fake.

  __9__ a gentleman with a million pound note was in rags and ate in our small restaurant was a big puzzle to all the people there.I really couldn't describe __10__ excited I was.

  1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________

  5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________

  9.________ 10.________



  2.who 考查賓語從句。從句中缺少表語,根據語義可知填who。

  3.why 考查賓語從句。從句中不缺少成分,結合語義可知答案為why。

  4.whether/if 考查賓語從句。doubt用於肯定句時,從句用whether/if;用於否定句時用that。

  5.whether/if 考查賓語從句。從句中不缺成分,結合語義可知答案是whether/if。

  6.that 考查賓語從句。從句中既不缺成分,也不缺語義,故填that。

  7.whether/if 同第5題。

  8.what 考查主語從句。從句中缺少賓語,指物,故填what。

  9.Why 考查主語從句。從句中不缺成分,結合語義可知答案是why。

  10.how 考查賓語從句。從句中連詞後跟形容詞時,通常用how。


  1.[2015·四川成都一診]Gone are the days ________ we spent time fishing and swimming in the unpolluted river.答案:when 考查定語從句。從句中不缺少主語和賓語,且先行詞表時間,因此填關係副詞when。

  2.[2015·重慶一中一診]I'm glad to introduce Mr.Smith to you, without ________ consideration our project would have ended in failure.

  答案:whose 考查定語從句。從句中缺少定語,指代Mr. Smith's,故填whose。

  3.[2015·福建畢業班質檢]Running Man is such a funny reality show ________ has the gravity to pull you in front of your television.

  答案:as 考查定語從句,從句中缺少主語,並且先行詞由such來修飾,因此只能填關係代詞as。

  4.[2015·福建三校聯考]We expect you to become someone ________ whom we'll feel very proud in the future.答案:of 考查“介詞+關係代詞”用法。根據從句中的結構和語義可知,此空格為介詞,與從句中的proud構成“be proud of”固定搭配,故填of。

  5.[2015·江蘇南京市鹽城市二模]As the dark horse, China's football team swept into the quarterfinals ________ it lost to host country Australia.

  答案:where 考查定語從句。從句中不缺少主語和賓語,故填關係副詞,而本題中先行詞比較特殊,“quarterfinals”應視為地點對待,故應填關係副詞where。

  6.[2015·安徽合肥質檢一]The movie Pompeii came out this February,________ many people think brings a touching love story to the audience.

  答案:which 考查定語從句。從句中的“many people think”為插入語,將其刪除可看出從句中缺少主語,並且從句為非限制性定語從句,先行詞指物,故只能填which。

  7.[2015·福建泉州質檢]Jack was late for nearly two hours this morning, but he gave such important reasons ________ he was excused.答案:that 考查狀語從句。從表面結構看此題與考查as引導的定語從句極為相似,但as是關係代詞,需從句中缺少主語或賓語,且先行詞有such修飾時使用,而本題中從句結構完整,故應考查“such...that...”結構。

  8.[2015·陝西寶雞一模]Students should involve themselves in community activities ________ they can gain experience for growth.

  答案:where 考查定語從句。從句中不缺少主語或賓語,故填關係副詞,且先行詞activities看作地點,故填where。

  9.[2015·四川南充二診]It was in the small house ________ was built with stones ________ he spent his childhood.

  答案:which/that;that 考查定語從句與強調句型。分析句子結構可知,第一空為連詞引導定語從句修飾house,且從句中無主語,指物,故填that/which均可;第二空為強調句型中的that。

  10.[2015·四川綿陽二診]Is this museum ________ you visited last Friday?答案:the one 考查代詞的用法。先將題目改為陳述句“this museum is ________ you visited last Friday”可以發現you visited應作定語修飾空格,且從句中的visit後缺賓語,因此關係代詞省略,造成結構不清。很明顯主句中缺少的是先行詞代替this museum,故填the one。

  11.[2015·陝西83中二模]As a student of Senior Three, he has very little free time ________ he can spend developing his own interest.

  答案:that 考查定語從句用法。因從句中缺少spend的賓語,且先行詞表示的是物,故填that。

  12.[2015·浙江溫州二模]________ is often the case, some British people are not familiar with different cultures.

  答案:As 考查定語從句用法。從句位於主句之前,且從句中沒有主語,故應填關係代詞as。

  13.[2015·浙江溫州一模]Being younger and thinner, she can eat big hamburgers for supper, ________ I have to give up in the interest of my weight.

  答案:which 考查定語從句用法。從句中缺少“give up”的賓語,且先行詞指物,故應填關係代詞,that只引導限定性定語從句,故答案是which。

  14.[2015·江西南昌三校聯考]—Where did you meet Mr.Green?

  —It was in the hotel ________ he stayed.

  答案:where 本題表面看考查強調句型,實為考查定語從句,通過問答形式把問題省略,即強調句型的後半部分內容已經省略,補充完整為:It was in the hotel where he stayed that I met Mr.Green。

  15.[2015·北京豐臺區期末]His mother made Greg orange juice every day, ________ would help his recovery.

  答案:which 考查定語從句用法。從句中缺少主語,並且先行詞指的是物,故應填關係代詞which。that不引導非限制性定語從句。

  Part .語篇語法填空重點考查定語從句

  [2015·唐山模擬]Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will probably say __1__ they go to learn languages, arithmetic, history, science and some other knowledge. That is quite true, __2__ why do they learn these things?

  We send our children to school to prepare them for the time __3__ they will be big and will have to work for themselves. Nearly everything __4__ they study at school has some practical use in their life. But is that the only reason __5__ they go to school?

  There is more in education than just learning facts. We go to school to learn how to learn, __6__ when we have left school we can continue to learn.

  A man __7__ really knows how to learn will always be successful, __8__ when he has to do something new, he will not only be able to do it well himself, he will also be able to teach others how to do it in the best way. The person __9__ is uneducated, on the other hand, is either unable to do something new, or just does it badly. The purpose of schools, __10__, is not to teach languages, arithmetic, history, science,etc., but to teach pupils the way to learn.

  1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________

  5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________

  9.________ 10.________


  1.that 引導賓語從句,從句不缺少成分也不缺少意思,所以用連線詞that。

  2.but 因為前面有分號,所以是簡單句構成的句群,句子不缺少成分,根據意思用but。

  3.when 關係副詞引導定語從句,從句不缺少主語和表語,先行詞是the time,所以用when。

  4.that 引導定語從句,從句缺少study的賓語且先行詞是everything,所以用that。

  5.why 引導定語從句,從句不缺少成分,先行詞是“reason”,所以用why。

  6.so that 引導目的狀語從句,根據句子之間的邏輯關係是“因此,所以”,所以用so that。

  7.who 引導定語從句作從句主語,修飾前面的“A man”,所以用who。

  8.because 引導原因狀語從句,根據句子之間的邏輯關係是“因為”,所以用because。


  10.therefore 分析句子得知是簡單句,在主語和謂語之間,根據意思是“因此”,且前後有逗號,所以用therefore。
