
General 更新 2024年06月18日



  Listening Part 聽力部分***30分***

  一、Listen and tick.聽一聽,勾一勾。聽兩遍錄音,在你聽到的正確圖片前的編號下打√。***10分***

  1、A B

  2. A B

  3. A B

  4. A B

  5. A B

  6. A B

  7. A B

  8. A B

  9. A B

  10. A B

  二、Listen and choose.請聽兩遍錄音,選出你所聽到的句子,將番號寫在題前括號內。***共10分***

  *** ***1. A. Good morning, Ms Wang. B. Good afternoon, Mr Li.

  *** ***2. It’s a cap . B. It’s a cat.

  *** ***3. A. This is his grandpa. B. This is his grandma.

  *** ***4. A. The bag is in the desk. B. The bag is on the desk.

  *** ***5. A. Her name is Lingling. B. Her name is Amy.

  三、Listen and number. 請聽兩遍錄音,根據你聽到的順序,為下列圖片標上正確的序號。***共10分***

  *** *** *** ***

  *** *** *** *** *** ***

  Writing Part 筆試部分***20分***

  一、Read and choose.根據句子內容選擇正確的圖片,並把正確圖片的編號填在題前括號內。***共5分***

  *** ***1. This is my teacher.

  A. B .

  *** ***2. How old are you?

  — I’m nine.

  A. B.

  *** ***3.Point to the window.

  A. B.

  *** ***4. Goodbye. Miss Liu

  A. B.

  *** ***5. It is a bird

  A. B.

  二、Read and find and write Chinese讀一讀,找一找。在每個句子中找出一個顏色單詞,在它下面劃上橫線並把它的中文寫在題後的括號裡。***5分***

  例如:It’s orange. *** 橙色的 ***

  1. It’s a black dog.*** ***

  2. This is red.*** ***

  3. My bag is green.*** ***

  4. His nose is blue.*** ***

  5. It’s a yellow pencil. *** ***

  三、Read and Choose.給下邊的句子選出正確的答語,把它的編號填在題前括號內。***共10分***

  *** ***1. —Good morning, Amy?

  — _______.

  A. Good morning, Lingling.

  B. Good afternoon, Lingling.

  *** ***2. —What’s your name?

  — _______.

  A. I’m fine , thank you.

  B. I’m Sam.

  *** ***3. —Is it a pen?

  — _______.

  A. Yes, it is.

  B. No, it isn’t.

  *** ***4. —What’s this?

  — _______.

  A. It’s a ball.

  B. It’s a book.

  *** ***5. —How many girls?

  — _______.

  A. Four.

  B. Eleven

  一、Listen and tick.聽一聽,勾一勾。聽兩遍錄音在你聽到的正確圖片前的編號下打√。***共10分***

  1. I’m Daming

  2. It’ a dog.

  3. Please stand up.

  4. He is a doctor.

  5. Birthday cake

  6. Seven pandas.

  7. It’s a chair.

  8. It’s a cat

  9. This is Mr Li.

  10. It’s a panda.

  二、Listen and choose. 請聽兩遍錄音,選出你所聽到的句子,將編號填寫在題前括號內。***共10分***

  1. Good morning, Ms Wang. 2. It’ a cat.

  3. This is his grandpa. 4. The bag is in the desk.

  5. Her name is Amy.

  三、Listen and number. 請聽兩遍錄音,根據你聽到的順序,為下列圖片標上正確的序號。***共10分***

  1. He is a driver.

  2. It’s a nose.

  3. Hello, boys.

  4. It’s a cat.

  5. Point to hi.



  一、每小題1分,共10分。 B B A B A BBABA

  二、每小題2分,共10分。 AB A A B

  三、每小題2分,共10分。 2-4-3-5-1


  一、 每小題1分,共5分。 AABB A

  二、 每小題1分,共5分。 ***略***

  三、 每小題2分,共10分。 ABABA




  *** ***1. A. noodles B noon *** *** 6. A. arm B.leg

  *** *** 2. A. small B big *** *** 7. A. hurt B.hand

  *** *** 3. A. fruit B friend *** *** 8. A. head B. help

  *** *** 4. A.short B shorts *** *** 9. A. hair B. year

  *** *** 5. A.dress Bskirt *** *** 10. A. delicious B. birthday

  二. 聽音,選出聽到的句子:

  *** ***1. A. What's your name? B. What’s his name ?

  *** *** 2. A. Which class are you in ? B. I'm in class 2.

  *** *** 3. A. what should I wear today? B. what clothes should I wear ?

  *** *** 4. A. This is a coat B.These are gloves

  *** *** 5. A. I want to eat lunch! B. I want to be your friend.

  三.聽音判斷,下列句子是否與聽到的相符,相符用 “T” ,不相符用“F”.

  *** ***1、My leg hurts.

  *** ***2、I have three heads.

  *** ***3、My foot hurts.

  *** ***4、What’s the weather like in Jiangbin?

  *** ***5、When is his birthday?


  *** *** I am in class 2. *** ***What do you want for lunch?

  *** *** I’m looking forward to seeing you *** *** They are not good for you.

  *** *** Can I help you ? *** ***This dress is make of silk

  *** *** My family name is Sun. *** ***When is your birthday?.

  *** *** What’s your family name? *** *** What’s the matter?


  *** *** 1.Lily's mother wants some _____.

  A. eggs B.cake C.ice-cream

  *** *** 2. What's your ______?

  A. name B.family name C. his name

  *** *** 3. My ____ hurts.

  A. nose B. foot C. arm

  *** *** 4. Can you _____ to my birthday party?

  A. come B.go C. run

  *** *** 5. I'm _____ years old.

  A. 10 B.9 C. 8

  *** *** 6.What do you want for ____ ?

  A.lunch B.breakfast C. dinner

  *** *** 7.Do you like _____ ?

  A.meat B.potatoes C.chicken

  *** *** 8.Plants ____ us cotton

  A.give B.gives C.offer

  *** *** 9.I play _____ with Andy.

  A.football B.piano C.ping-pong

  *** ***10.what’s the weather ______in Beijing?

  A.look like B.like C.likes



  *** *** 1. DecemberA.十一月 B.十二月*** *** 2. 嘴A.mouth B. mouce

  *** *** 3.wear A.穿 B.脫 *** *** 4.年級 A.class B.grade

  *** *** 5. pet A.寵物 B.兔子 *** ***6. 短褲 A.short B. shorts

  *** *** 7. bread A.麵包 B.肉 *** *** 8.年齡 A. age B. ade

  *** *** 9. help A.幫助 B.謝謝*** ***10.美味的 A.party B. delicious


  *** ***1.What’s the matter? A.LI

  *** ***2.What should you wear today ? B.My foot hurts.

  *** ***3.What's your family name? C.I should wear a coat.

  *** ***4.Which class are you in? D. I'm in class 2.

  *** ***5.When is your birthday? E.My birthday is in May.


  *** ***1.當你想問對方的名字時,應問:

  A.What’s your name? B. What’s you name?

  *** ***2. 我姓陳,用英語說:

  A. My family name is Chen. B. My name is Chen Hua.

  *** ***3.當你想知道對方是否喜歡水果時,英說:

  A. Do you like fruit? B.Do you want fruit?

  *** ***4.當你想表達“我的頭部受傷了”時,應說:

  A.My head hurts. B.My hair hurts.

  *** *** 5.當你想知道別人的生日,應問:

  A. When is your birthday ? B. Where is your birthday ?


  1.*** *** I am in ____2.

  A.glass B.class

  2.*** *** How old are ——?

  A.you B.your

  3.*** *** My family name is ____.

  A.Li B.Li Hua

  4.*** *** Which class____ you in?.

  A.is B.are

  5.*** *** I ____ long hair.

  A. have B. has

  6.*** *** What's the _____? My arm hurts.

  A.wrong B.matter

  7.*** *** what _____ pretty dog!

  A.a B. one

  8.*** *** Do you like _____?.

  A.tomatoes B.tomatos

  9.*** *** What's —— matter? A./ B. the

  10.*** *** ______you have a pet? A.Are B.Do


  Ann is my new friend.She is from China.She is 10 years old.Now she is in class 2. She likes bread ,fruit and meat.She has a white dog.It has a short tail.It can dance.We like it.


  1.*** ***Ann is ____ years old. A.nine B.ten

  2.*** *** Ann is in ____.A.class one B. class two

  3.*** *** She likes _____. A.cake B.fruit

  4.*** *** Ann has a white _____.A.cat B.dog

  5.*** *** It can _____. A.dance B.sing




  ***A ***1. A. noodles B noon *** A *** 6. A. arm B.leg

  *** A *** 2. A. small B big *** A *** 7. A. hurt B.hand

  *** A *** 3. A. fruit B friend *** A *** 8. A. head B. help

  *** B *** 4. A.short B shorts *** A *** 9. A. hair B. year

  *** B *** 5. A.dress Bskirt *** A*** 10. A. delicious B. birthday

  三. 聽音,選出聽到的句子:

  *** A ***1. A. What's your name? B. What’s his name ?

  *** A *** 2. A. Which class are you in ? B. I'm in class 2.

  *** A *** 3.A. what should I wear today B.what clothes should I wear ?

  *** B *** 4. A. This is a coat B.These are gloves

  *** B *** 5. A. I want to eat lunch! B. I want to be your friend.

  三.聽音判斷,下列句子是否與聽到的相符,相符用 “T” ,不相符用“F”.

  *** T ***1、My leg hurts.

  *** T ***2、I have three heads.

  *** F ***3、My foot hurts.

  *** T ***4、What’s the weather like in Jiangbin?

  *** F ***5、When is his birthday?


  *** 5 *** I am in class 2. *** 1 ***What do you want for lunch?

  *** 2 *** I’m looking forward to seeing you *** 7 *** They are not good for you.

  ***8 *** Can I help you ? *** 6 ***This dress is make of silk

  *** 9 *** My family name is Sun. *** 4 ***When is your birthday?.

  *** 3 *** What’s your family name? *** 10*** What’s the matter?


  *** A *** 1.Lily's mother wants some _____.

  A. eggs B.cake C.ice-cream

  *** B *** 2. What's your ______?

  A. name B.family name C. his name

  *** A *** 3. My ____ hurts.

  A. nose B. foot C. arm

  *** A *** 4. Can you _____ to my birthday party?

  A. come B.go C. run

  *** A *** 5. I'm _____ years old.

  A. 10 B.9 C. 8

  *** A *** 6.What do you want for ____ ?

  A.lunch B.breakfast C. dinner

  *** B *** 7.Do you like _____ ?

  A.meat B.potatoes C.chicken

  *** A *** 8.Plants ____ us cotton

  A.give B.gives C.offer

  *** A *** 9.I play _____ with Andy.

  A.football B.piano C.ping-pong

  *** B***10.what’s the weather ______in Beijing?

  A.look like B.like C.likes



  *** B *** 1. DecemberA.十一月 B.十二月*** A *** 2. 嘴A.mouth B. mouce

  *** A *** 3.wear A.穿 B.脫 *** B *** 4.年級 A.class B.grade

  ***A *** 5. pet A.寵物 B.兔子 *** B***6. 短褲 A.short B. shorts

  *** A *** 7. bread A.麵包 B.肉 *** A *** 8.年齡 A. age B. ade

  *** A *** 9. help A.幫助 B.謝謝*** B ***10.美味的 A.party B. delicious


  ***B ***1.What’s the matter? A.LI.

  *** C ***2.What should you wear today ? B.My foot hurts.

  *** A ***3.What's your family name? C.I should wear a coat.

  *** D ***4.Which class are you in? D. I'm in class 2.

  *** E ***5.When is your birthday? E.My birthday is in May.


  *** A ***1.當你想問對方的名字時,應問:

  A.What’s your name? B. What’s you name?

  *** A ***2. 我姓陳,用英語說:

  A. My family name is Chen. B. My name is Chen Hua.

  *** A ***3.當你想知道對方是否喜歡水果時,英說:

  A. Do you like fruit? B.Do you want fruit?

  *** A ***4.當你想表達“我的頭部受傷了”時,應說:

  A.My head hurts. B.My hair hurts.

  *** A *** 5.當你想知道別人的生日,應問:

  A. When is your birthday ? B. Where is your birthday ?


  1.*** B *** I am in ____2. A.glass B.class

  2.*** A *** How old are ——?A.you B.your

  3.*** A *** My family name is ____. A.Li B.Li Hua

  4.*** B *** Which class____ you in?. A.is B.are

  5.*** A *** I ____ long hair. A. have B. has

  6.*** B *** What's the _____? My arm hurts. A.wrong B.matter

  7.*** A *** what _____ pretty dog! A.a B. one

  8.*** A *** Do you like _____?. A.tomatoes B.tomatos

  9.*** B *** What's —— matter? A./ B. the

  10.*** B *** ______you have a pet? A.Are B.Do


  Ann is my new friend.She is from China.She is 10 years old.Now she is in class 2. She likes bread ,fruit and meat.She has a white dog.It has a short tail.It can dance.We like it.


  1.*** B ***Ann is ____ years old. A.nine B.ten

  2.*** B *** Ann is in ____.A.class one B. class two

  3.*** B *** She likes _____. A.cake B.fruit

  4.*** B *** Ann has a white _____.A.cat B.dog

  5.*** A *** It can _____. A.dance B.sing




  *** ***1. A. noodles B noon *** *** 6. A. arm B.leg

  *** *** 2. A. small B big *** *** 7. A. hurt B.hand

  *** *** 3. A. fruit B friend *** *** 8. A. head B. help

  *** *** 4. A.short B shorts *** *** 9. A. hair B. year

  *** *** 5. A.dress Bskirt *** *** 10. A. delicious B. birthday

  二. 聽音,選出聽到的句子:

  *** ***1. A. What's your name? B. What’s his name ?

  *** *** 2. A. Which class are you in ? B. I'm in class 2.

  *** *** 3. A. what should I wear today? B. what clothes should I wear ?

  *** *** 4. A. This is a coat B.These are gloves

  *** *** 5. A. I want to eat lunch! B. I want to be your friend.

  三.聽音判斷,下列句子是否與聽到的相符,相符用 “T” ,不相符用“F”.

  *** ***1、My leg hurts.

  *** ***2、I have three heads.

  *** ***3、My foot hurts.

  *** ***4、What’s the weather like in Jiangbin?

  *** ***5、When is his birthday?


  *** *** I am in class 2. *** ***What do you want for lunch?

  *** *** I’m looking forward to seeing you *** *** They are not good for you.

  *** *** Can I help you ? *** ***This dress is make of silk

  *** *** My family name is Sun. *** ***When is your birthday?.

  *** *** What’s your family name? *** *** What’s the matter?


  *** *** 1.Lily's mother wants some _____.

  A. eggs B.cake C.ice-cream

  *** *** 2. What's your ______?

  A. name B.family name C. his name

  *** *** 3. My ____ hurts.

  A. nose B. foot C. arm

  *** *** 4. Can you _____ to my birthday party?

  A. come B.go C. run

  *** *** 5. I'm _____ years old.

  A. 10 B.9 C. 8

  *** *** 6.What do you want for ____ ?

  A.lunch B.breakfast C. dinner

  *** *** 7.Do you like _____ ?

  A.meat B.potatoes C.chicken

  *** *** 8.Plants ____ us cotton

  A.give B.gives C.offer

  *** *** 9.I play _____ with Andy.

  A.football B.piano C.ping-pong

  *** ***10.what’s the weather ______in Beijing?

  A.look like B.like C.likes



  *** *** 1. DecemberA.十一月 B.十二月*** *** 2. 嘴A.mouth B. mouce

  *** *** 3.wear A.穿 B.脫 *** *** 4.年級 A.class B.grade

  *** *** 5. pet A.寵物 B.兔子 *** ***6. 短褲 A.short B. shorts

  *** *** 7. bread A.麵包 B.肉 *** *** 8.年齡 A. age B. ade

  *** *** 9. help A.幫助 B.謝謝*** ***10.美味的 A.party B. delicious


  *** ***1.What’s the matter? A.LI

  *** ***2.What should you wear today ? B.My foot hurts.

  *** ***3.What's your family name? C.I should wear a coat.

  *** ***4.Which class are you in? D. I'm in class 2.

  *** ***5.When is your birthday? E.My birthday is in May.


  *** ***1.當你想問對方的名字時,應問:

  A.What’s your name? B. What’s you name?

  *** ***2. 我姓陳,用英語說:

  A. My family name is Chen. B. My name is Chen Hua.

  *** ***3.當你想知道對方是否喜歡水果時,英說:

  A. Do you like fruit? B.Do you want fruit?

  *** ***4.當你想表達“我的頭部受傷了”時,應說:

  A.My head hurts. B.My hair hurts.

  *** *** 5.當你想知道別人的生日,應問:

  A. When is your birthday ? B. Where is your birthday ?


  1.*** *** I am in ____2.

  A.glass B.class

  2.*** *** How old are ——?

  A.you B.your

  3.*** *** My family name is ____.

  A.Li B.Li Hua

  4.*** *** Which class____ you in?.

  A.is B.are

  5.*** *** I ____ long hair.

  A. have B. has

  6.*** *** What's the _____? My arm hurts.

  A.wrong B.matter

  7.*** *** what _____ pretty dog!

  A.a B. one

  8.*** *** Do you like _____?.

  A.tomatoes B.tomatos

  9.*** *** What's —— matter? A./ B. the

  10.*** *** ______you have a pet? A.Are B.Do


  Ann is my new friend.She is from China.She is 10 years old.Now she is in class 2. She likes bread ,fruit and meat.She has a white dog.It has a short tail.It can dance.We like it.


  1.*** ***Ann is ____ years old. A.nine B.ten

  2.*** *** Ann is in ____.A.class one B. class two

  3.*** *** She likes _____. A.cake B.fruit

  4.*** *** Ann has a white _____.A.cat B.dog

  5.*** *** It can _____. A.dance B.sing




  ***A ***1. A. noodles B noon *** A *** 6. A. arm B.leg

  *** A *** 2. A. small B big *** A *** 7. A. hurt B.hand

  *** A *** 3. A. fruit B friend *** A *** 8. A. head B. help

  *** B *** 4. A.short B shorts *** A *** 9. A. hair B. year

  *** B *** 5. A.dress Bskirt *** A*** 10. A. delicious B. birthday

  三. 聽音,選出聽到的句子:

  *** A ***1. A. What's your name? B. What’s his name ?

  *** A *** 2. A. Which class are you in ? B. I'm in class 2.

  *** A *** 3.A. what should I wear today B.what clothes should I wear ?

  *** B *** 4. A. This is a coat B.These are gloves

  *** B *** 5. A. I want to eat lunch! B. I want to be your friend.

  三.聽音判斷,下列句子是否與聽到的相符,相符用 “T” ,不相符用“F”.

  *** T ***1、My leg hurts.

  *** T ***2、I have three heads.

  *** F ***3、My foot hurts.

  *** T ***4、What’s the weather like in Jiangbin?

  *** F ***5、When is his birthday?


  *** 5 *** I am in class 2. *** 1 ***What do you want for lunch?

  *** 2 *** I’m looking forward to seeing you *** 7 *** They are not good for you.

  ***8 *** Can I help you ? *** 6 ***This dress is make of silk

  *** 9 *** My family name is Sun. *** 4 ***When is your birthday?.

  *** 3 *** What’s your family name? *** 10*** What’s the matter?


  *** A *** 1.Lily's mother wants some _____.

  A. eggs B.cake C.ice-cream

  *** B *** 2. What's your ______?

  A. name B.family name C. his name

  *** A *** 3. My ____ hurts.

  A. nose B. foot C. arm

  *** A *** 4. Can you _____ to my birthday party?

  A. come B.go C. run

  *** A *** 5. I'm _____ years old.

  A. 10 B.9 C. 8

  *** A *** 6.What do you want for ____ ?

  A.lunch B.breakfast C. dinner

  *** B *** 7.Do you like _____ ?

  A.meat B.potatoes C.chicken

  *** A *** 8.Plants ____ us cotton

  A.give B.gives C.offer

  *** A *** 9.I play _____ with Andy.

  A.football B.piano C.ping-pong

  *** B***10.what’s the weather ______in Beijing?

  A.look like B.like C.likes



  *** B *** 1. DecemberA.十一月 B.十二月*** A *** 2. 嘴A.mouth B. mouce

  *** A *** 3.wear A.穿 B.脫 *** B *** 4.年級 A.class B.grade

  ***A *** 5. pet A.寵物 B.兔子 *** B***6. 短褲 A.short B. shorts

  *** A *** 7. bread A.麵包 B.肉 *** A *** 8.年齡 A. age B. ade

  *** A *** 9. help A.幫助 B.謝謝*** B ***10.美味的 A.party B. delicious


  ***B ***1.What’s the matter? A.LI.

  *** C ***2.What should you wear today ? B.My foot hurts.

  *** A ***3.What's your family name? C.I should wear a coat.

  *** D ***4.Which class are you in? D. I'm in class 2.

  *** E ***5.When is your birthday? E.My birthday is in May.


  *** A ***1.當你想問對方的名字時,應問:

  A.What’s your name? B. What’s you name?

  *** A ***2. 我姓陳,用英語說:

  A. My family name is Chen. B. My name is Chen Hua.

  *** A ***3.當你想知道對方是否喜歡水果時,英說:

  A. Do you like fruit? B.Do you want fruit?

  *** A ***4.當你想表達“我的頭部受傷了”時,應說:

  A.My head hurts. B.My hair hurts.

  *** A *** 5.當你想知道別人的生日,應問:

  A. When is your birthday ? B. Where is your birthday ?


  1.*** B *** I am in ____2. A.glass B.class

  2.*** A *** How old are ——?A.you B.your

  3.*** A *** My family name is ____. A.Li B.Li Hua

  4.*** B *** Which class____ you in?. A.is B.are

  5.*** A *** I ____ long hair. A. have B. has

  6.*** B *** What's the _____? My arm hurts. A.wrong B.matter

  7.*** A *** what _____ pretty dog! A.a B. one

  8.*** A *** Do you like _____?. A.tomatoes B.tomatos

  9.*** B *** What's —— matter? A./ B. the

  10.*** B *** ______you have a pet? A.Are B.Do


  Ann is my new friend.She is from China.She is 10 years old.Now she is in class 2. She likes bread ,fruit and meat.She has a white dog.It has a short tail.It can dance.We like it.


  1.*** B ***Ann is ____ years old. A.nine B.ten

  2.*** B *** Ann is in ____.A.class one B. class two

  3.*** B *** She likes _____. A.cake B.fruit

  4.*** B *** Ann has a white _____.A.cat B.dog

  5.*** A *** It can _____. A.dance B.sing


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