
General 更新 2024年06月01日



  1. a bit of 有一點兒

  2. a big dinner 一頓豐盛的正餐

  3. a bottle of 一瓶

  4. a can of 一聽,一罐

  5. a cup of 一茶杯

  6. a few 一些;少數幾個

  7. a few days ago 幾天前

  8. a few months ago 幾個月前

  9. a few weeks ago 幾周前

  10. a few years ago 幾年前

  11. a glass of 一玻璃杯

  12. a drop of water 一滴水

  13. a family of three people 一個三口之家

  14. a great many 非常多的

  15. agree to do sth. 同意做某事

  16. a half 一半

  17. a kind of 一種;一類

  18. a large [great] number of 許多

  19. a little 一點,少量

  20. a little + 比較級

  21. a long time ago 很久以前

  22. a lot ***of *** 許多;多數

  23. a moment later 片刻之後

  24. a TV set 電視機

  25. and so on 等等

  26. a number of 若干的;許多的

  27. a pair of shoes ***gloves, glasses, socks, scissors, trousers *** 一對;一副

  28. a piece of 一塊***張,片,只***

  29. a type of 一種型號的……

  30. a sleeping baby 正睡的孩子

  31. a shop assistant 售貨員,店員

  32. a waste of time 浪費時間

  33. another way of saying sth. 某物的另一種說法

  34. after a while 過了一會兒

  35. after breakfast 早飯後

  36. after class / school 下課後 / 放學後

  37. again and again 再三地,反覆地

  38. agree with sb. 同意***某提議***

  39. agree with 與***人,想法***意見一致

  40. all day ***long*** 一整天;一天到睌

  41. all kinds of 各種各樣的

  42. different kinds of 不同種類的

  43. all night ***long*** 整晚,徹夜

  44. all one’s life 一生;終生

  45. all over 到處;結束

  46. all over the world= all the world over全世界

  47. all right 行了,好吧,***病***好了

  48. all the same 仍然

  49. all the time 一直;始終;老是

  50. all by oneself 單獨,獨自


  base on… 以……為基礎

  bang one’s head 砰的撞了一下某人的頭

  because of 因為

  be able to do sth能夠***有能力***做

  be awake 醒著的

  be afraid 害怕的,恐懼的

  be afraid of + ***名詞***v-ing害怕,恐怕..

  be afraid that 認為……,恐怕,擔心

  be angry at ***about*** sth生某事的氣

  be angry with sb生某人的氣

  be at home 在家

  be amazed at 對……感到驚訝

  be bad at 拙於

  be bad for 對……有害的

  be born in ***on***出生

  be careful 小心

  be covered with 蓋滿……,掩滿

  be busy doing ***with*** sth忙於做……

  be different from 和……不同

  be dressed in 正穿著


  1.tell ***ask*** sb to do sth 告訴***要求***某人做某事

  tell***ask*** sb not to do sth告訴***要求***某人不要做某事

  2.see***hear,find*** sb. do sth 看見***聽見,發現***某人經常做或做過某事 doing sth 正在做某事

  3.do some doing sth 做某事

  4.go doing sth 去做某事

  5.had better ***not*** do sth 最好***不***做某事

  6.finish***enjoy; give up*** doing sth 做完***喜歡,.放棄***某事 Would you mind doing sth...? 做某事你介意嗎?

  Would you mind not doing sth...? 別做某事你介意嗎? Could you please do sth?請你做某事可以嗎?

  Could you please not do sth? 請你別做某事可以嗎?

  7.Thank you for doing 感謝你做某事 [介詞後用動名詞] What***How*** about doing...? 你認為做某事怎麼樣?

  8.be busy*** with***doing sth 忙於做某事

  9.keep sb. doing sth使某人一直做某事

  keep***get,make*** sth+ 形容詞***作賓補*** 使某物怎麼樣

  10.decide***refuse*** to do sth 決定***拒絕***做某事

  11.Why not do sth...? 為什麼不做某事

  12. make ***let***sb do sth使***讓***某人做某事

  make***let*** sb not do sth 使***讓***某人***不***做某事

  13.can ***not*** do sth***不***能做某事 [情態動詞後用動詞原形]

  14.stop to do sth 停下來去做某事 stop doing sth 停止做某事

  15.go on working 繼續做工作

  go on with one's work

  work on

  keep ***on*** working

  don't stop working

  continue working

  go on to work 繼續去工作.***原先不在工作***

  16. be made to do 被迫做某事 [被動語態後用"to do"]

  be made by sb. 被某人制造

  be made in some place 在某地製造

  be made of sth. 用…製造 ***物理變化***

  be made from sth. 用…製造 ***化學變化*** be made up of sth. and sth. 由什麼組成

  17.like ***enjoy,be keen on*** doing 喜歡做某事

  want to do /would like to do sth / feel like doing sth 想要做某事

  18.It takes sb. some time to do sth. 做某事花費某人多少時間

  19.be late for***arrive late for*** ......遲到

  20.be***get ,become*** interested in sth/ doing sth 對***開始***......感興趣
