
General 更新 2024年06月02日



  1. arrive at 到達***小地方*** arrive in到達***大地方***

  reach 到達 get to 到達

  I arrived in Beijing last night . === I reached Beijing last night .

  == I got to Beijing last night .

  如果賓語是副詞here, there, home, 要把at \ in \ to省略:

  arrive here \ there \ home

  get here \ there \ home

  2. in front of… 在 …… 的前面 ***某一範圍外的前面***

  in the front of … 在 …… 的前面***某一範圍內的前面***

  There are some big trees in front of the classroom building .

  I like sitting in the front of the taxi .

  3. take off ***1***起飛 When did the plane take off yesterday ?

  ***2*** 脫下***衣帽等*** He took off his coat as soon as he went into the room .

  ***3*** 取消 They will take off the 5 am train .

  4. get out ***of *** … 從……離開\出去\下來

  He tried to get out of bed , but couldn’t .

  A car stopped and a girl got out of it .

  但從汽車\火車\船\飛機\馬匹上下來, 用get off … .

  5.follow ***1*** 跟隨 I followed him up the hill . 我跟著他上了山.

  ***2*** 沿著……前進 Follow this road until you get to the post office .


  ***3*** 聽懂,理解 Could you speak more slowly ? I can’t follow you .

  ***4 ***follow sb. to do sth. 跟著某人做某事

  Please follow me to read the story .

  6. amazing 形容詞,修飾名詞 令人驚奇的, 令人驚訝的 what an amazing book !

  amaze 動詞 使某人驚訝 Your letter amazed me .

  be amazed at … 對…… 感到驚訝 Everyone was amazed at the bad news .

  7. shout at 大聲喊叫 多指因生氣而非善意的大聲叫喊

  Don’t shout at the little boy . He is too young .

  shout to 大聲喊叫 多指因距離遠而不得不大聲叫喊

  We should shout to him , or he can’t hear us .

  8. happen 發生 具體事件偶然的沒有預見的發生

  ***1 *** happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事

  I happened to meet one of my old friends in the park yesterday .

  ***2 *** sth happens to sb. 某人發生了某事

  An car accident happened to him last month .上個月他發生了交通事故.

  take place發生 ***1*** 按計劃進行或按計劃發生

  Great changes have taken place in China in recent years .


  ***2 *** ***運動\ 活動\會議等*** 舉行

  The meeting will take place next Friday .

  take the place of 代替, 取代

  Plastics can sometimes take the place of wood and metal .


  take one’s place 坐某人的位置, 代替某人的職務.

  Come to take my place . my seat is near the window .

  9. anywhere 任何地方 常用於否定句或疑問句中.

  Did you go anywhere last night ? You can’t get it anywhere .

  somewhere 某個地方 用於肯定句

  come and see me . Then we’ll go out somewhere .

  everywhere 處處, 到處 === here and there

  I can’t find my pen though I looked for it everywhere\ here and there .

  10. silence 名詞, 寂靜 \ 無聲

  There’s nothing but silence in the room . 屋內寂靜無聲 .

  Keep in silence . 保持沉默.

  silent 形容詞, 沉默的, 寂靜的

  The old house was quite silent . 這所老房子寂靜無聲.

  The cat moved on silent feet . 那隻貓無聲地走動著.

  11. hear 聽到 Can you hear someone knocking at the door ?

  ***1*** hear of 聽說 , 後接表示人或物的詞

  I have never heard of him before . 我以前從來沒有聽說過他.

  *** 2 *** hear about 聽說, 後接表示事件的名詞

  I’ve just heard about his illness .我剛剛聽說他生病的事.

  Have you heard about the accident ? 你聽說了那場事故嗎?

  ***3 *** hear from 收到某人的來信

  I heard from my daughter in New York yesterday .


  12. 主語 + be + one of the + 形容詞最高階 + 複數名詞 + in \ of 短語 .

  …… 是……中最……的……之一.

  This was one of the most important events in modern American history .


  Shanghai is one of the most beautiful cities in china .

  13. experience ***1***名詞 經驗, 不可數名詞 ; 經歷, 體驗, 可數名詞

  Have you had any experience of fishing ? 你有釣魚的經驗嗎?

  Could you tell us about your experiences in Africa ?


  ***2*** 動詞 經歷, 感覺

  The children experienced many difficulties this time .

  這次孩子們經歷了許多 困難.

  experienced 形容詞 有經驗的

  be experienced in \at doing sth. == have much experience in \ at doing sth.


  She is an experienced teacher .他是一個經驗豐富的教師.

  He is very experienced in \at repairing cars . 他修車很有經驗.

  14. as … as … 和…… 一樣… . 兩個as之間用形容詞或副詞的原形.

  He works as carefully as she . 他和她一樣工作認真.

  She is as tall as her mother . 她和母親一樣高.

  not as … as…. 不如某人…

  he isn’t as \ so old as he looks . 他不像看起來那麼老.

  She doesn’t run as \ so fast as her brother .她不如她哥哥跑得那麼快.

  15. have fun == have a good\ great\ wonderful time ==enjoy oneself玩得開心,過得愉快

  Did you have fun at the party ?

  == Did you have a good\ great \ wonderful time ?

  == Did you enjoy yourself ?

  have fun doing sth.開心做某事 I’m just having fun playing the guitar .

  16. accident 事故, 意外遭遇 He was killed in an accident .他死於一起意外事故.

  traffic accident 交通事故 Many people die in traffic accidents every year .

  by accident 偶然, 意外地 We met at the airport by accident .

  17. scared 恐懼的, 害怕的

  afraid恐懼的, 害怕的 I’m very scared \ afraid . 我很害怕.

  be scared \ afraid of sth 害怕某物 Are you scared \ afraid of snakes ?

  be scared \ afraid to do sth害怕做某事

  He is scared \ afraid to go out at night .

  be scared \ afraid of doing sth害怕做某事

  He is scared \ afraid of going out at night .

  18. think about 考慮 ***某個計劃 *** They are thinking about moving to Beijing .

  think of 認為 What do you think of the movie ?

  === how do you like the movie ?


  think over 仔細思考 We need a few days to think over this matter .


  1. what 引導的感嘆句

  ***1*** What a beautiful girl ***she is *** ! 多麼美的姑娘呀 !

  ***2*** What a clever boy *** he is *** ! 多麼聰明的男孩呀 !

  ***3*** What interesting pictures *** they are *** ! 多麼美的圖片呀 !

  ***4*** What tall buildings *** they are *** ! 多麼高的樓呀 !

  ***5*** What delicious food *** it is *** ! 多麼可口的食物呀 !

  ***6*** What bad weather *** it is *** ! 多麼壞的天氣呀 !

  規律: what + *** a\ an *** + 形容詞 + 名詞 *** + 主語 + 謂語*** + !

  名詞為不可數名詞或複數名詞時, 形容詞前面不能有a\ an .

  2. how 引導的感嘆句

  ***7*** How heavy the box is ! 多麼重的箱子呀!

  How fast he runs ! 他跑得多快呀!

  ***8*** How careful the girl is ! 多麼細心的姑娘呀!

  How well she plays the piano ! 她的鋼琴彈得多好呀!

  如果說明的是人或物, 兩種感嘆句可替換. *** 以上***1*** 到***8*** 句 ***




  What were you doing at 8:30 this morning ?

  When I called him , he was having dinner .

  ***2*** 過去某段時間正在進行的動作。

  What were you doing from seven to nine yesterday ?

  I was reading the whole morning yesterday .

  ***3*** when \ while 引導的時間狀語從句中,過去進行時的使用:

  ----- when \ while 當……的時候

  While引導的從句中, 動詞用過去進行時或表示狀態的延續性動詞

  when引導的從句中, 動詞用過去式

  Mary was having dinner when I saw her .

  While we were swimming , someone stole our clothes .

  The weather was fine while we were in Beijing .

  While were talking , the teacher came into the classroom .

  --------while 然而, 可是

  He likes reading while I like dancing . 他喜歡看書而我喜歡跳舞.

  Tom is very confident while Mary is shy and quiet .



  ***1***肯定句:主語 + was \ were +動詞ing形式 + 時間狀語。

  ***2***否定句:主語 + was \ were + not + 動詞ing形式 + 時間狀語。

  ***3*** 疑問句:was \ were + 主語 + 動詞ing形式 + 時間狀語 ?

  肯定回答:Yes , 主語 + was \ were . 否定回答:No, 主語 + was \ were + not .

  3. 根據例子, 和片語提示,構成類似對話。

  What were you doing last night ? I was working in the office .

  Were you working in the office last night ?

  Yes, I was . No , I wasn’t .

  ***1*** Mr Zhang , make a model plane

  ***2*** Wei Hua , play the piano , at 8:00 this morning

  ***3*** the twins , play computer games , last night

  ***4*** the smiths, watch TV , at noon yesterday
