發展的英文 發展用英語怎麼說?

General 更新 2023年10月15日



develop v.成長;發育;發展;產生;感受;具有;使…顯影;開發土地;利用土地資源

expand v.擴大;擴充;擴充套件;發展;詳述;進一步闡述;膨脹;變得開朗;變得願意交談

grow v.生長;成長;發育;增大;發展;增加;逐漸變得;變得越來越;種植;形成

burgeon v.迅速增長;繁榮發展

recruit v.招募;徵募;組建;補充;招聘;招收;說服;請求幫忙

admit v.承認;允許…進入;准許…進入;容許有;使有權進入;為…辦理入院手續;允許(某人;國家;組織)加入;允許…分享特權

development n.發展;開始;出現;顯影;新發展;新產品;精品;新構想;新建樓區;發育(或成長、進化)的特定階段

常用 權威



1. 發展商


2. 發展權

right of/to development

3. 科學發展觀

scientific outlook on development; scientific approach to development

4. 可持續發展

sustainable development;sustainable development

5. 向縱深發展

develop in depth

6. 發展經濟學

development economics

7. 發展規劃

development plan

8. 發展援助

development aid

9. 發展規律

law of development

10. 經濟發展

economic development/expansion/growth

11. 發展心理學

developmental psychology

12. 迅猛發展

develop by leaps and bounds

13. 協調發展

coordinated development

14. 形勢發展

development of the situation

15. 發展業務

expand one's business

16. 發展基金

development fund

17. 社會發展史

history of social development;history of social development

18. 性心理發展

psychosexual development

19. 最新發展

latest development

20. 發展綱要

programme for development


1. 它幫助人們發展積極的生活方式。

It helps people develop a positive lifestyle.

2. 女孩的個性發展往往與男孩不同。

A girl's personality often does not develop in the same way as a boy's.

3. 發展廣泛的、大眾的知識和經驗。

Develop broad, general knowledge and experience.

4. 近年來,電子遊戲行業迅速發展

The video gaming industry has ballooned in recent years.

5. 它主要是關於現代科學的發展

It is mostly about the development of modern science.

6. 中國也在積極發展高速磁懸浮列車。

China is also actively developing high-speed maglev(磁懸浮)trains.

7. 這也阻礙了綠色和可持續發展

It also gets in the way of green and sustainable development.

8. 兒童社會技能發展的決定因素。

The determinants of children's development of social skills.

9. 人類依靠社會關係而繁榮發展

Human beings thrive off of social connections.

10. 英國將採取新措施促進旅遊業發展

The UK will take new measures to boost tourism.








動詞 develop; expand; grow; burgeon

1. 隨著生產力的發展,人民的物質和文化生活也會不斷改善。

With the development of the productive forces/As the productive forces develop, the people's material and cultural life will constantly improve.

2. 友誼發展成愛情。

Friendship grew into love.

3. 兩國關係穩步發展。

Relations between the two countries develop steadily.

4. 發展是硬道理。

Development is of overriding importance. / Development is a hard truth.

5. 處在發展階段

be in the development stage

6. 最新發展

latest development

7. 智力發展

intellectual development

8. 穩步/迅速發展

steady/rapid development

9. 可持續發展

sustainable development

10. 科學發展

scientific development

11. 工農業的發展

growth in industry and agriculture; industrial and agricultural development/expansion

12. 個人的全面發展

all-round development of the individual

13. 德、智、體、美全面發展

develop morally, intellectually, physically and aesthetically

14. 持續、穩定、協調的發展

sustained, stable and coordinated development

15. 發展速度

speed of development

16. 發展勢頭

momentum of development

17. 發展規劃

development plan

18. 阻礙發展

prevent/impede the development

19. 鼓勵小企業的發展

encourage the development of small businesses

20. 跟上形勢的發展

keep up with the changing situation

21. 妨礙發展

hamper/impede/check/prevent/retard the development

22. 發展友好關係

develop friendly links/relations (between/with)

23. 發展體育運動

promote physical culture

24. 發展自己的事業

advance/forward one's career

25. 發展生產力

develop/expand the productive forces

26. 發展農業生產

boost agricultural production

27. 發展經濟,保障供給

develop the economy and ensure supplies

28. 發展教育

develop/promote/expand education

29. 發展國民經濟

develop/expand the national economy

30. 發展長期的經濟技術合作

boost long-term economic and technical cooperation

動詞 recruit; admit

1. 發展新會員國

admit as a member state; add new member states

2. 發展新成員

admit/recruit new members


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