上班的英文 上班用英語怎麼說?
be on duty 值班;值日;執勤
go to work 去工作;去上班;上班
start work 開始工作;開始上班;工作開始
常用 權威
1. 上班族
wage earners; salaried people
2. 隔日上班
work every other day
3. 急忙去上班
rush off to work
1. 我曾經每天開車兩個小時去上班。
I used to drive two hours to work each way.
2. 相反,\騎車上班\可降低汙染。
Conversely, \cycle to work\ days have done their job by creating pollution lows.
3. 在上班的路上吃個漢堡很容易。
It is so easy to grab a burger and eat on the way to work.
4. 史密斯先生有駕照,但他總是步行上班。
Mr. Smith has his driver's licence, but he always goes to work on foot.
5. 女人們穿著運動鞋去上班。
Women wearing sports shoes to work.
6. 它允許員工帶貓上班。
It permits employees to bring cats into their office.
7. 我的車出了點問題,所以我坐地鐵去上班了。
There was something wrong with my car, so I went to work by underground.
8. 下表顯示了人們上班時使用的各種交通工具。
The chart below shows the different types of transportation people used to go to work.
9. 蒂娜幾乎不開車上班。
Tina hardly drives to work.
10. 凱特在上班時間給朋友打電話,真讓我惱火。
It really annoys me when Kate calls her friends during office hours.
動詞 be on duty; go to work; start work
1. 早上八點上班。
Work starts at eight in the morning.
2. 他通常上夜班兒。
He usually works the night shift.
3. 他今天沒上班。
He is absent from duty today.
4. 他上班去了。
He has gone to work.
5. 下午不上班。
We'll take the afternoon off. / No work this afternoon.
6. 上班時間
work/office hours