覺得的英文 覺得用英語怎麼說?
feel v.覺得;感到;經受;感受;相信;有一個…印象;認為;同情;憐憫
think v.認為;以為;想;思索;思考;我認為;想起;明白;預計;預料
常用 權威
1. 覺得舒快
feel refreshed
2. 覺得冷
feel cold
3. 覺得渾身是勁
feel full of energy
4. 覺得有趣
find something amusing
5. 覺得怪難堪
feel rather embarrassed
6. 覺得渾身綿軟
feel weak all over
7. 覺得十分沮喪
feel very demoralized
8. 覺得有點兒累
feel a bit tired
9. 覺得一陣火辣辣的疼痛
feel a searing pang
10. 因受到怠慢心裡覺得不是 (滋) 味兒
feel bad about being slighted
1. 我覺得和過去打交道太受約束了。
I felt too constrained working with the past.
2. 易建聯覺得參加奧運會充滿希望。
Yi felt it hopeful to take part in the Olympics.
3. 一個幽默的抱怨會讓人覺得有趣。
One humorous complaint makes funny person.
4. 他覺得他的生命不再毫無意義了。
He felt his life was not meaningless any more.
5. 如果你覺得不安全,就跑著喊。
Run and shout if you feel unsafe.
6. 但並不是所有人都覺得粉色有問題。
But not everyone thinks there's something wrong with pink.
7. 現在我覺得我可以在任何地方生存!
Now I feel I could survive anywhere!
8. 我覺得茶里加點牛奶會更好喝。
I think tea will taste better with some milk in it.
9. 有生以來第一次,我真的覺得很酷。
For the first time in my life, I actually felt cool.
10. 我覺得她長髮比短髮好看多了。
I think she looks much prettier with long hair than with short hair.
覺得(英文:think),讀音jué de,漢語詞語,指的是感覺到、意識到;也指認為,語氣不太肯定。相關例句有“你的臉色很難看,覺得哪兒不舒服嗎”。 相關古文有“每常處事,或思慮之發,覺得發之正者心常安,其不正者心常不安。”出自《朱子語類》,相關近義詞有感觸、以為、認為。
動詞 feel; be conscious/aware of
1. 覺得有點兒累
feel a bit tired
2. 覺得身體不舒服
not feel like oneself; feel a little under the weather
3. 覺得渾身是勁
feel full of energy
4. 覺得高興/幸運
feel happy/lucky
5. 覺得餓/冷
feel hungry/cold
動詞 think; feel
1. 我覺得他挺討人喜歡的。
In my opinion, he is a pleasant guy.
2. 我覺得不會有問題。
My feeling is that there would be no problem.
3. 你覺得這本書怎麼樣?
What do you think of the book?
4. 大家都覺得他會來。
Everyone thought he would show up.