很喜歡的英文 很喜歡用英語怎麼說?
love n.愛;熱愛;所愛之人;零分;零;愛情;戀愛;喜愛;愛好;性愛
adore v.敬愛;崇敬;崇拜;喜愛
常用 重點詞彙
1. 孩子們很喜歡做家務。
The children enjoyed doing housework.
2. 兩個孩子很喜歡凱文媽媽端來的新鮮出爐的餅乾。
The two kids enjoyed the freshly baked cookies Kevin's mom served.
3. 儘管瑪麗很喜歡花,但她和她丈夫都不是有名的園丁。
Although Mary loved flowers, neither she nor her husband was known as a gardener.
4. 蘇華很喜歡他的表哥,但他發現其他歌手的表演更出色。
Su Hua likes his cousin very much, but he finds other singers perform even better.
5. 簡阿姨現在已經70多歲了,但她仍然是個很喜歡看電影的人。
Aunt Jane is now well over seventy, but she is still a great cinema-goer.
6. 看到孩子們學習有進步,心裡很喜歡。
He was very pleased to see that the kids had made progress at school.
7. 要命,可我真的很喜歡那些士兵。
Hang, but I loved those soldiers!
8. 我真的很喜歡,可我得停下了。
[as submodifier]I'll sign off however I blinking well like.
9. 客人們很喜歡休閒酒吧的悠閒氛圍。
The relaxed ambience of the cocktail lounge is popular with guests.
10. 她真的很喜歡紐約。
She was truly enamoured of New York.
love; adore