分成的英文 分成用英語怎麼說?
share n.份;份額;股份;責任;貢獻;分配額;部分所有權;分擔量
常用 權威
1. 分成若干份
break into portions
2. 分成兩份
divide into two parts
3. 分成幾部分
separate into parts
4. 平分成五份
divide into five equal portions
5. 把社會分成幾個階級
divide society into classes
1. 你把家裡所有的東西都分成
You divide all the stuff in your house – all of it – into several categories.
2. 你把這個光譜分成10個單位。
You divide this spectrum into 10 units.
3. 有時,孩子們被分成三組來玩遊戲。
Sometimes the children are divided into three groups to play games.
4. 一些村民用木頭把房子分成三個教室。
Some villagers divided the house into three classrooms by using pieces of wood.
5. 我們把新來的人分成兩類:合法的和非法的,好的和壞的。
We divide newcomers into two categories: legal or illegal, good or bad.
6. 為了讓這個過程更容易管理,把你的目標分成更小的任務。
To help make the process more manageable, divide your goals into smaller tasks.
7. 我們被分成幾組,給了一頂帳篷、一些食物、一張地圖和一個指南針。
We were divided into groups and given a tent, some food, a map and a compass.
8. 把藏書分成三個大類,六個小類。
Divide the collection of books into three categories and six subcategories.
9. 雞蛋從小到大分成了三六九等。
Eggs are graded from small to large.
10. 參賽者被分成三個年齡組。
The competitors are divided into three age groups.
詞目:分成 拼音:fēn chéng
動詞 group (into); divide (into)
1. 這塊地已經分成小塊了。
The land has been separated into small plots.
2. 參賽者被分成三個年齡組。
The competitors are divided into three age groups.
3. 把社會分成幾個階級
divide society into classes
4. 分成小組討論/做遊戲
divide into groups for a discussion/game
5. 分成兩半/三份
divide in half/into three parts
6. 分成快慢班
segregate into accelerated and slow classes
7. 分成幾部分
separate into parts
動詞 divide by tenths/percentage; share
1. 你我按三七分成。
30% for you, and 70% for me.
2. 產品/利潤分成合同
products/profit sharing contract
3. 二八分成
divide into two shares of two and eight tenths (or 20% and 80%)