收穫季節的英文 收穫季節用英語怎麼說?
the crown of the year
常用 重點詞彙
1. 適值收穫季節
just during the harvest season
1. 而且這種上漲是短暫的:價格通常會在收穫季節時迴歸正常。
And the rises were short-lived: prices typically returned to normal with the nest harvest.
2. 在種植和收穫季節,人們可以看到他們蓄著鬍鬚的男人在田裡幹活。
In planting and harvest time one can see their bearded men working the fields with horses.
3. 農民在收穫季節裡十分忙碌。 。
Farmers are extremely busy during the harvest.
4. 收穫季節,動物和人類享樂其間。
In the harvest season, animals and humans will take pleasure together.
5. 你必須要保持從春天到收穫
You have to stay from spring until harvest.
6. 在收穫季節裡農場缺乏勞動力。
The farms were sh0rt of hands during the harvest season.
7. 這次葡萄的收穫季節比往常晚。
The vintage was later than usual.
8. 不過大家都知道明年還會有收穫季節.
But everyone knew that there would be another harvest time next year.
9. 暫時,收穫季節還是慢一步。
For a while, the new season keeps moving at a slow pace.
10. 這個農場主在收穫季節僱用更多工人。
The farmer employed more workers at harvest time.
the crown of the year