
General 更新 2024年06月01日



  1.***2016·全國,41***If you feel stressed by responsibilities at work, you should take a step back and identify ***識別***those of________***great***and less importance.

  2.***2016·全國,閱讀D***Many of the images were stored in an ice chest, under________***freeze*** water, in the damaged wooden ship.

  3.***2016·全國,短文改錯***The teenage years from 13 to 19 were the most difficult time for me .They were also the best and worse years in my life.________

  4.***2016·全國,短文改錯***At one time, I even felt my parents couldnt understand me so I hoped I could be freely from them.________

  5.***2016·全國,閱讀D***By tracking peoples e-mails and online posts, scientists have found that good news can spread faster and ________***far***than disasters and sob stories.

  .***2016·北京,閱讀D***It is not ________***surprise*** that young people are likely to burst out, particularly when there are reasons to do so.

  .***2016·四川,閱讀B***You can live a more ________***power*** life when you devote some of your time and energy to something much larger than yourself.

  .***2016·四川,短文改錯***At dinner, we said to Mom, “Happy Mothers Day!”She was grateful and moving.________

  .***2016·江蘇C***In the laboratory, chimps don’t naturally share food either.Human children, on the other hand are extremely ________***cooperate***.

  .***2016·浙江,18***I have always enjoyed all the events you organized and I hope to attend________***many***events in the coming years.

  1.***2016·全國,63***From tomorrow, I will be their UK ambassador.The title will be________***official*** given to me at a ceremony in London.

  2.***2016·全國,短文改錯***He hopes that his business will grow steady.________

  3.***2016·全國,45***Get an early start and try to be as productive________possible before lunch.

  4.***2016·全國,46***Food in small pieces could be eaten easily with twigs which ________***gradual***turned into chopsticks.

  1.***2016·北京,閱讀B***________***fortunate***, Natalies family escaped to Brooklyn shortly before the city’s bridge closed.

  16.***2016·北京,閱讀C***They are ________***true*** good birds that are worth every effort we put into recovering them.

  .***2016·四川,62***Chinese scientists________***recent*** had a chance to study a wild female panda with a newborn baby.

  .***2016·江蘇,閱讀B***Chimps in the wild seek food for themselves.Even chimp mothers________***regular*** decline to share food with their children.

  .***2016·浙江,12***When their children lived far away from them, these old people felt cut ________from the world.

  .***2016·浙江,13***A sudden stop can be a very frightening experience, ***special*** if you are travelling at high speed.

  21.***2015·江蘇,31***The police officers decided to conduct a thorough and ________***comprehension***review of the case.

  2.***2015·浙江,14***Listening is thus an active, not a ________***passively***, behavior consisting of hearing, understanding and remembering.

  3.***2015·湖北,27***Even though the conference hall is near his apartment, he has to hurry a little if he wants to be ________***punctually***.

  4.***2015·湖北,28***I don't think what he said is ________***relevance***to the topic we are discussing.He has missed the point.

  5.***2015·四川,7***Andy is content with the toy.It is the ________***good***he has ever got.

  6.***2015·四川,9***Little Tom sat________***amaze***watching the monkey dancing in front of him.

  7.***2015·安徽,26***I'm so________***gratitude***to all those volunteers because they helped my terrible day end happily.

  8.***2015·福建,23***It was ________ ***consider***of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried.

  9.***2015·浙江,13***Most of us, if we know even a little about where our food comes from, understand that every bite put into our mouths was ________***former***alive.

  0.***2015·湖北,29***The girl used to be shy, but is ________***gradual***getting active in group work and is more willing to express herself.

  1.***2015·安徽,31***They gave money to the old people's home either ________***personal***or through their companies.

  2.***2014·福建,24***With online shopping increasingly popular,the Internet is seen as a***n*** ________***efficiency*** way of reaching target customers.

  3.***2014·湖北,27***What was so ________***impress*** about Jasmine Westland's victory was that she came first in the marathon bare­footed.

  1.***2016·廣州六校聯考***Some experts believe its a________***worry*** trend.

  2.***2016·山西太原聯考***He said if one________***real*** wanted to know the society and the world, he should go out to see, to hear and to find out about the real life.

  3.***2016·江西紅色七校聯考***He sat down and started________***gentle*** talking to the dog.

  4.***2016·河南六市三月聯考***Students________***usual*** take hobby classes in their free periods or after school.

  5.***2016·湖南四縣聯考***As I walked, I looked up, trying to realize what made this day so________***beauty***.

  6.***2016·銀川一中高三一模***It is natural that young people are often________***comfort*** when they are with their parents.

  7.***2016·貴州黔南六校聯考***The way we cook is important.In many countries,the two choices are ________***nature*** gas or electric-powered stoves.

  8.***2016·大連二十中期中***Some professor says “a naked marriage” is in sharp contrast with China’s ________ ***tradition*** marriage customs.

  9.***2016·湖南瀏陽一中期中***People are more spending than before,because they are ________***easy*** attracted by the discount.

  10.***2015·南昌質檢***This proverb is saying we have to let things go in their ________***nature*** course.

  11.***2015·大慶月考***That would be a very ________***reason*** thing to do in a big city,but it could destroy a small village like ours.

  12.***2015·大連一中月考***He was a billionaire by the time he was 31 years old.________,there are still some other people who have made lots of money at even younger ages.

  13.***2015·泰安調研***And the passengers ________ ***sudden*** became friendly to one another.

  14.***2015·江西重點中學協作***Finally,that hard work paid off and now the water in the river is________ ***clean*** than ever.

  15.***2015·黑龍江雙鴨山一中月考***Thats ________***absolute*** unbelievable.

  16.***2015·內蒙古師大附中月考***I worked ________***hard*** at my study than most of my classmates.

  17.***2015·河南八校聯考***Oh,they dont have dreams.But I have made ________my mind to achieve my dream.

  18.***2015·寧夏銀川一中月考***I still feel that all children are the ________***great*** joy I could ever have.

  19.***2015·甘肅蘭州一中月考***It was my first time to go to the market,and I was ________***deep*** impressed by what I saw in the market.

  20.***2015·山西太原五中月考***Even days after I reported the event to the police,they failed to ________***proper*** solve this situation or even return my calls.

  21.***2015·廣東揭陽一中、潮州金山中學聯考***One such hot potato is taxes.Calling for ________***high*** taxes can mean defeat for a politician.

  22.***2015·吉林一中月考***He was upright,loyal and highly respected.________,he was dismissed from office.

  23.***2015·廣州海珠區摸底***A little way down the river from Lake Victoria,the water __________***actual*** gets quite rough.

  24.***2015·山西太原五中模擬***This new usage of the term took off in September after a widely-shared joke about a rich,but ________ ***happy*** man.

  A組 2016~2014年各省市高考題***改編***

  1.greater [考查形容詞的比較級。根據後面的and less可知,此處也要用比較級形式。]

  2.freezing [freezing是形容詞,修飾後面的名詞water, freezing water

  3.worse →worst [worst與前best並列,此處應用最高階。]

  4.freely →free [此處應用形容詞作表語。]

  5.farther [根據faster and和後面的than可以看出此處需要比較級。]

  .surprising [此處考查句式:It is +adj.that...句意:年輕人有可能爆發,這不令人吃驚,特別是有原因的時候。surprising令人吃驚的。]

  .powerful [修飾後面的名詞的應是形容詞,powerful強有力的。]

  .moving→moved [moving多用來修飾事物,moved用來指人感動的。]

  .cooperative [此處用形容詞作表語。]

  .more [句意:我一直喜歡你組織的所有活動,希望在來年能參加更多。many的比較級為more。]

  1.officially [修飾謂語動詞應當用副詞形式。]

  2.steady→ steadily [修飾謂語動詞用副詞。]

  3.as [考查固定表as...as possible儘可能……。]

  4.gradually [考查

  15.Fortunately [修飾整個句子,應當用副詞形式。]

  .truly [此處用副詞形式修飾後面的形容詞good。]

  .recently [修飾動詞應用副詞形式。]

  .regularly [修飾動詞decline的應該是副詞。]

  .off [句意:當他們的孩子住得很遠時,這些老人們覺得與外界隔離了。cut off“切斷,隔離”。]

  .specially [句意:突然停下來是非常可怕的經歷,尤其是如果你高速行駛。此處用especially“特別,尤其”強調程度。用副詞修飾句子。]

  [句意:警方決定對該案件進行徹底和全面的審查。作名詞review的定語要用其形容comprehensive 綜合的廣泛的。]

  ssive [句意:聽是一種積極的而不是消極的行為它涉及聽、理解和記憶。與前面的形容詞active對應也要用形容詞形式一起作名詞behavior的定語。passive被動的消極的。]








  [句意:女孩一度很害羞但是逐漸地她在分組工作表現得積極主動變得更願意表達自己了。在句中作狀語修飾動詞短語get active要用副詞形式。gradually逐漸地逐步地。]



  [句意:關於Jasmine Westland的勝利令人印象深刻的是她光著腳第一個衝向了終點。放在be動詞後的應為形容詞。]

  1.worrying [修飾名詞trend的應是形容詞,物用-ing形式修飾。]

  2.really [考查副詞。副詞修飾動詞,really want真的想。]


  4.usually [修飾後面的動詞的應該用副詞。]

  5.beautiful [make後面跟複合賓語,由形容詞作賓補。]

  6fortable [放在be動詞後面的應該是形容詞,作表語。]

  7.natural [考查形容詞,修飾後面的名詞gas和stoves。]

  8.traditional [考查形容詞。修飾空後面的名詞marriage customs。]

  9.easily [考查副詞,此處用副詞來修飾後面的動詞attract。]

  10.natural [考查形容詞。在名詞course前作定語,要用形容詞形式natural,表示“自然的過程”。]

  11.reasonable [考查形容詞。此處為a/an+形容詞+單數名詞,修飾名詞thing當然要用形容詞形式。]

  12.However [考查副詞。他31歲成了億萬富翁,但有些人年齡更小時就發了財。however然而,要用逗號與主句隔開。]

  13.suddenly [考查副詞。此處是修飾動詞became,所以應該用副詞作狀語。]

  14.cleaner [考查形容詞的比較級。現在河裡的水比以前更乾淨了。根據後面的比較連詞than可知這裡應該用比較級cleaner。]

  15.absolutely [考查副詞。這確實是難以置信的。修飾形容詞unbelievable要用副詞形式。]

  16harder [考查形容詞。根據後面的 than可知要用比較級。]

  17.up [考查副詞。make up ones mind to do...下定決心做某事。]

  18.greatest [考查形容詞。句意:我依然認為孩子們是我最大的快樂。根據後面的ever可知要用最高階。]

  19.deeply [考查副詞。……我對市場上的所見所聞留下了深刻的印象。修飾動詞impress要用副詞形式。]

  20.properly [考查副詞。……他們沒能合適地處理這種情況。修飾動詞solve要用副詞形式。]

  21.higher [考查形容詞。提高人們的納稅是和現有的稅率相比,故用比較級形式。]

  22.However [考查副詞。前後兩句是轉折關係,而空格後面有逗號,故要用副詞However,不可用but。]

  23.actually [考查副詞。後半句意為“實際上河水會變得很洶湧”。actually實際上。]

  24.unhappy [考查形容詞。根據前面的a rich, but可知,此處表示“一個富裕卻不快樂的人”。unhappy不高興的。]

